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Forest Products Stocks List

Forest Products Stocks List is a list of public traded Forest Products companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Forest Products Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AMWD American Woodmark Corporation 101.90 102.05 99.33 99.50 82.2K -0.99%
KOP Koppers Holdings Inc 38.07 38.17 37.36 37.92 187K -0.29%
LPX Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 113.10 113.98 110.79 111.45 432.5K -1.18%
MAS Masco Corporation 79.81 79.91 78.95 79.25 1.39M 0.29%
PATK Patrick Industries, Inc 131.68 133.51 129.74 132.45 435.6K 2.01%
TREX Trex Company, Inc. 73.22 74.40 72.40 72.64 954.4K 0.43%
UFPI Universal Forest Products, Inc 134.53 135.35 131.20 131.62 260.9K -1.29%

Forestry Stocks

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