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Consulting Stocks List

Consulting Stocks List is a list of public traded Consulting companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Consulting Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACM AECOM Technology Corporation 108.85 109.73 106.79 107.16 796K -1.03%
AGFY Agrify Corp 21.15 21.41 20.36 20.78 16.9K -2.21%
AGX Argan, Inc 163.62 168.26 158.00 161.60 698.6K -0.32%
AJG Arthur J 319.68 323.55 318.89 322.33 1.72M 0.73%
ALTR Altera Corporation 110.41 110.64 110.40 110.47 509.3K 0.01%
AMRC Ameresco Inc 20.96 21.25 20.29 20.73 275.4K -1.80%
ARMK Aramark Holdings Corp 38.17 38.72 37.91 38.09 2.69M 0.18%
ASGN On Assignment, Inc 83.11 83.64 78.69 78.77 674.2K -4.79%
ASTE Astec Industries, Inc 33.45 33.84 32.68 33.09 112K -1.98%
BAH Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation 129.37 130.26 126.83 127.94 1.98M -0.94%
BBSI Barrett Business Services, Inc 43.17 43.63 42.38 42.38 70.4K -2.06%
BEDU Bright Scholar Education Holdings Ltd 1.65 1.73 1.65 1.73 2.2K 1.76%
BFAM Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc 122.23 123.18 121.54 121.82 312.5K 0.01%
BGSF Bg Staffing 5.19 5.31 5.16 5.20 3.4K 0.97%
BUSE First Busey Corporation 25.60 25.60 24.19 24.69 517.7K -2.60%
BWMN Bowman Consulting Group Ltd 24.82 24.86 23.80 23.81 64.5K -4.45%
CBRE CBRE Group Inc 144.22 145.27 142.74 142.77 1.23M -1.25%
CBU Community Bank System, Inc 67.67 67.67 66.51 66.89 247.6K -1.62%
CBZ CBIZ, Inc 88.65 89.19 87.72 88.00 252.1K -0.73%
CCM Concord Medical Services Holding Ltd. 5.01 5.16 5.00 5.16 1.2K 3.20%
CCRN Cross Country Healthcare, Inc 18.20 18.22 18.17 18.18 347.2K -0.11%
CHCI Comstock Homebuilding Companies, Inc 8.28 8.43 8.05 8.14 6.6K -3.10%
CIEN Ciena Corporation 93.23 94.20 89.41 89.71 1.77M -3.66%
CIGI Colliers Intl Grp IN 135.41 136.01 132.56 135.28 297.8K -0.58%
CISO Cerberus Cyber Sentinel Corp 1.03 1.03 0.96 1.01 60.2K 3.06%
CLEU China Liberal Education Holdings Ltd 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.12 23.32M -14.29%
CLSK Cleanspark Inc 11.55 12.47 11.20 11.33 57.49M 9.15%
CRAI CRA International, Inc 191.00 191.00 186.12 188.02 19.3K -1.30%
CREG China Recycling Energy Corp. 0.64 0.66 0.63 0.64 14.5K 3.23%
CREX Creative Realities Inc 2.65 2.66 2.55 2.58 14.4K -1.53%
CRM Salesforce 332.00 333.82 323.72 325.83 7.61M -1.51%
CSGP CoStar Group, Inc 78.39 78.39 77.17 77.25 2.22M -1.20%
CSPI CSP Inc. 21.80 21.80 19.65 19.65 44.3K -5.62%
CTSH Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 87.28 87.35 85.80 86.20 3.91M -1.02%
CVS CVS Caremark Corporation 54.54 54.81 53.90 54.01 5.91M -0.42%
CWK Cushman & Wakefield Plc 13.30 13.31 13.02 13.06 972.7K -1.80%
CYRX Cryoport Inc 6.96 7.03 6.63 6.81 206.3K -2.85%
DAO Youdao Inc ADR 8.04 8.26 7.77 7.83 207.1K -2.61%
DCBO Docebo Inc 42.25 42.67 41.68 41.90 46.6K -0.73%
DHX DICE HOLDINGS, INC 3.14 3.14 2.90 3.01 364.8K 0.33%
DOX Amdocs Limited 86.48 86.48 85.52 85.97 671.2K 0.01%
DSGX Descartes Systems Group (USA) 119.13 120.42 118.49 119.85 255.9K 0.77%
DT Deutsche Telekom AG (ADR) 60.68 60.95 59.68 59.83 2.16M -0.48%
DUOT Duos Technologies Group Inc 7.02 7.35 6.78 7.16 79.8K 2.43%
EDTK Skillful Craftsman Education Technology Ltd 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.98 2.2K 1.03%
EDU New Oriental Education & Tech 49.50 50.50 48.26 48.38 1.71M 0.17%
EFX Equifax Inc 249.18 250.06 245.26 248.28 1.52M 0.32%
EGAN Egain Corp 6.45 6.48 6.22 6.31 55.8K -1.87%
EME EMCOR Group, Inc 470.93 471.78 460.15 461.75 331.7K -1.16%
EPAM Epam Systems Inc 267.69 267.69 259.07 260.38 342.7K -1.47%
ESSA ESSA Bancorp, Inc 21.61 21.84 21.24 21.79 21.1K -0.05%
EXPO Exponent, Inc 95.00 97.57 87.32 90.90 580.6K 1.20%
FC Franklin Covey Co 37.81 38.86 36.89 37.77 329.1K -0.11%
FCN FTI Consulting, Inc 194.22 195.61 193.00 193.99 125.1K 0.31%
FFIV F5 Networks, Inc 307.31 310.14 304.43 306.60 520.4K -0.27%
FISI Financial Institutions, Inc 28.25 28.25 27.22 27.93 149.2K -1.41%
FIX Comfort Systems USA, Inc 473.18 476.89 459.89 460.06 407.4K -2.06%
FMNB Farmers Natl Banc Cp 13.91 13.91 13.53 13.86 141.5K -0.50%
FONR Fonar Corporation 16.03 16.03 15.60 15.60 16.6K -2.62%
FORR Forrester Research, Inc 14.53 14.79 13.92 14.78 53K 0.34%
GDS Gds Holdings Ltd 27.76 27.80 26.43 27.29 2.25M 2.75%
GDYN Grid Dynamics Holdings Inc 24.09 24.60 23.77 24.05 539.1K 0.08%
GE General Electric Company 206.48 207.84 204.50 205.28 3.95M -0.38%
GIB CGI Group Inc 119.70 120.00 117.75 119.03 305.9K -0.13%
HBT Hbt Financial Inc 25.61 25.61 24.55 24.92 29.7K -2.47%
HCKT The Hackett Group, Inc 31.96 32.32 31.63 31.67 144.9K -0.94%
HCSG Healthcare Services Group, Inc 10.90 11.20 10.69 10.78 434.3K -1.46%
HLI Houlihan Lokey 187.62 188.00 184.81 184.87 347.3K -1.35%
HLIT Harmonic Inc 11.36 11.41 11.07 11.13 1.2M -1.94%
HON Honeywell International Inc 212.00 213.40 205.38 205.52 6.69M -2.05%
HSIC Henry Schein, Inc 79.71 80.10 78.68 79.00 1.14M -1.06%
HSII Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc 45.76 46.00 44.95 45.24 159.2K -1.01%
HSON Hudson Global 12.28 12.62 11.88 12.42 4.5K -2.44%
HUIZ Huize Holding Limited ADR 3.12 3.22 3.08 3.08 5.9K -4.05%
HURN Huron Consulting Group 127.17 127.18 122.01 125.30 189K -1.00%
IBM International Business Machines Corp 255.28 256.93 252.02 252.34 3.37M -0.43%
ICFI ICF International, Inc 115.78 117.19 115.43 116.27 297.6K 0.57%
IDXX IDEXX Laboratories, Inc 465.00 468.80 457.35 459.78 624.5K -0.17%
INFY Infosys Technologies Limited (ADR) 22.19 22.19 21.65 21.83 9.62M -1.84%
INTZ Intrusion Inc 1.93 2.04 1.76 1.82 1.43M -3.19%
IPG Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc 27.81 27.97 27.46 27.49 3.83M -0.83%
IQV Iqvia Holdings Inc 211.67 211.67 205.41 208.14 1.75M -0.87%
IT Gartner, Inc 535.55 535.94 525.72 529.29 369.8K -0.97%
ITIC Investors Title Company 229.00 229.00 222.71 224.01 14.8K -2.62%
ITRI Itron, Inc 105.78 106.44 104.20 105.24 509.1K -0.80%
J Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 134.10 135.35 133.00 133.93 767.5K 0.34%
JBL Jabil Circuit, Inc 166.84 169.32 164.48 165.41 1.02M -0.21%
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 283.22 283.22 277.47 278.45 277.4K -1.47%
JOB General Employment Enterprises, Inc 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.23 249.6K 0.00%
KEYS Keysight Technologies Inc Comm 178.36 178.39 173.68 174.32 1.13M -1.84%
KFY Korn/Ferry International 68.08 68.29 66.66 66.96 243.9K -1.85%
KRKR 36Kr Holdings Inc ADR 5.97 6.45 5.80 5.80 48.9K -4.92%
LAZR Luminar Technologies Inc 5.44 5.59 5.23 5.44 1.44M 0.37%
LPSN LivePerson, Inc 1.39 1.48 1.39 1.41 1.67M 1.44%
LUMN Centurylink 5.02 5.14 4.93 4.99 9.4M -0.40%
LX Lexinfintech Holdings Ltd 8.32 8.33 8.01 8.23 1.57M 0.37%
MA MasterCard Incorporated 568.06 570.05 561.78 562.75 2.01M -0.78%
MAN Manpower Inc 57.12 57.20 56.48 57.05 523.5K -0.02%
MANH Manhattan Associates, Inc 199.57 203.66 199.00 200.90 701.4K 1.43%
MCK McKesson Corporation 598.00 603.21 591.13 595.69 715.1K -0.68%
MDB Mongodb Inc Cl A 279.01 283.96 275.86 277.87 1.29M -0.08%
MEG Media General, Inc 20.93 21.39 20.38 21.14 323.7K 0.81%
MFG Mizuho Financial Group Inc 5.55 5.57 5.46 5.48 1.22M -3.01%
MG Mistras Group, Inc. 10.03 10.07 9.87 10.03 58K -0.10%
MHH Mastech Holdings, Inc 13.29 13.52 12.86 12.86 14.3K -3.53%
MKL Markel Corporation 2047.00 2047.00 1988.73 2026.37 101.6K -1.62%
MMC Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc 225.94 228.02 225.64 227.40 2.21M 0.62%
MMI Marcus & Millichap 37.71 37.71 36.76 37.14 127.5K -2.13%
MMS MAXIMUS, Inc 70.31 70.70 68.30 69.78 1.38M -0.31%
MSBI Midland Sts BNC 19.97 20.00 19.34 19.72 153.3K -0.85%
MSFT Microsoft Corporation 416.48 418.65 408.10 409.75 22.86M -1.46%
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 335.00 344.40 327.00 327.56 15M 0.65%
NAVI NaviSite, Inc 13.76 13.87 13.57 13.58 769.8K -1.52%
NBTB NBT Bancorp Inc 48.87 48.93 47.79 48.55 267.6K -0.96%
NEWT Newtek Business Services, Inc 13.09 13.09 12.76 12.82 135.5K -2.29%
NMRK Newmark Group Inc Cl A 13.85 13.98 13.67 13.72 801.8K -1.44%
NSIT Insight Enterprises, Inc 168.18 170.64 166.72 167.47 512K -1.08%
NTIC Northern Technologies International Corp 11.72 11.75 10.96 11.27 34.9K -4.33%
NTRS Northern Trust Corporation 113.83 114.67 113.30 113.51 822.9K -0.25%
NTWK NetSol Technologies Inc 2.71 2.71 2.60 2.65 18.3K -0.38%
NVEE Nv5 Global 18.05 18.19 17.69 17.73 279.8K -1.77%
ODFL Old Dominion Freight Line 196.45 198.03 193.62 197.20 1.87M 0.67%
OLB Olb Group Inc 1.41 1.52 1.41 1.41 18.7K 0.00%
OMC Omnicom Group Inc 84.44 84.83 83.63 83.80 1.54M -0.51%
OTEX Open Text Corporation (USA) 30.83 31.75 27.78 27.86 1.55M -5.66%
PDEX Pro-Dex, Inc 33.84 35.14 33.33 33.59 22.9K -2.18%
PESI Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc 10.05 10.05 9.56 9.57 90.1K -4.78%
PINC Premier Inc Cl A 18.91 19.05 18.64 18.76 1.81M -1.00%
PLUS ePlus Inc 70.90 71.71 69.90 70.43 493.5K 0.20%
PNC PNC Financial Services 202.61 202.75 199.94 200.72 1.27M -0.84%
PRO PROS Holdings, Inc 28.83 29.84 26.65 27.29 1.48M 9.51%
PRTH Priority Techno Holdings Inc 10.89 11.45 10.89 11.20 956.1K 4.67%
PSTG Pure Storage Inc 70.35 70.74 68.46 69.07 1.94M -0.92%
PTC PAR Technology Corporation 172.75 173.92 167.65 169.02 1.97M -1.51%
QLYS Qualys Inc 132.88 144.08 132.88 135.57 626K -3.65%
RES RPC, Inc 5.97 6.03 5.79 5.81 1.25M -2.52%
RETO Reto Eco-Solutions Inc 0.50 0.50 0.36 0.40 651.6K -28.57%
RGA Reinsurance Group of America 214.19 224.00 206.13 208.47 1.44M -9.55%
RGP Resources Connection Inc 8.07 8.14 7.92 7.98 315.4K -1.36%
RHI Robert Half International Inc 60.94 60.97 59.27 59.32 1.21M -2.27%
RILY B. Riley Financl 4.79 4.79 4.47 4.52 568.1K -4.64%
ROK Rockwell Automation 271.44 271.83 266.75 268.40 1.62M -0.12%
ROL Rollins, Inc 50.17 50.28 49.58 50.08 2.43M -0.36%
SCHL Scholastic Corporation 18.30 18.34 17.72 17.86 321.4K -2.46%
SCS Steelcase Inc 11.47 11.47 11.24 11.36 494.5K -1.90%
SII Smith International, Inc 43.33 43.58 43.12 43.39 82.7K 0.67%
SLB Schlumberger Limited 40.19 40.68 39.99 40.16 11.77M 0.27%
SLP Simulations Plus, Inc 35.58 36.33 35.35 36.28 158.7K 1.97%
SLRC Solar Capital Ltd. - $0.01 par value common stock 16.87 17.04 16.78 17.04 203.5K 1.55%
SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Grp, Inc.(ADR) 14.95 14.97 14.74 14.79 1.74M -1.86%

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