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Bonds Stocks List

Bonds Stocks List is a list of public traded Bonds companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Bonds Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AAME Atlantic American Corporation 1.71 1.71 1.61 1.68 3.3K -1.75%
AFB AllianceBernstein Natnl Muncpl Incm Fnd 11.14 11.16 11.12 11.14 74.5K 0.00%
AFBI Affinity Bancshares Inc 18.10 18.20 18.10 18.20 2K -0.27%
APAM Artisan Partners Asset Mgmt 45.00 45.11 44.43 44.52 499.6K -0.93%
APO American Community Properties Trust 165.56 167.15 163.11 163.45 2.48M -0.87%
ARDC Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation 15.47 15.53 15.39 15.44 53.1K -0.13%
ARR ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. 18.85 18.88 18.73 18.81 1.47M -0.37%
AWF AllianceBernstein Global Hgh Incm Fd Inc 11.01 11.01 10.91 10.97 204.9K -0.18%
BANC First Pactrust Bancorp 16.45 16.55 16.17 16.28 1.7M -1.45%
BBN Blackrock Build America Bond Trust 16.79 16.82 16.59 16.73 64K -0.54%
BFK Blackrock Municipal Income Trust 10.30 10.33 10.22 10.27 33.1K -0.19%
BFZ Blackrock California Mun 11.30 11.32 11.25 11.28 125.4K -0.35%
BGB Blackstone / Gso Strategic Cre 12.58 12.64 12.53 12.60 203.8K 0.00%
BGH Buckeye GP Holdings L 15.95 16.03 15.86 15.93 62.5K -0.31%
BGT Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust 12.73 12.73 12.65 12.72 98K -0.31%
BHK BlackRock Core Bond Trust 10.62 10.63 10.51 10.55 100.7K -0.66%
BKN BlackRock Inv 11.75 11.75 11.68 11.73 33.9K -0.26%
BLE BlackRock Municipal Income Trust II 10.82 10.83 10.80 10.82 51.3K -0.09%
BLK BlackRock, Inc 1008.76 1015.91 991.15 992.04 731.4K -1.45%
BLW BlackRock Ltd 14.33 14.44 14.29 14.33 147.3K -0.14%
BNY Blackrock New York Municipal Income Trst 10.56 10.59 10.47 10.52 72.2K -0.09%
BPRN Bank of Princeton 33.51 33.51 32.25 32.32 8K -4.66%
BTA BlackRock LT Municipal Advantage Trust 10.00 10.02 9.90 9.92 48K -0.80%
BTT Blackrock Municipal Target Term 21.22 21.29 21.19 21.24 96.2K -0.23%
BTZ AUTHENTEC INC 10.93 10.94 10.87 10.90 186.6K -0.18%
BYM BlackRock Insured Municipal Income Trust 11.44 11.47 11.33 11.36 60.6K -0.53%
CBU Community Bank System, Inc 67.67 67.67 66.51 66.89 247.6K -1.62%
CCBG Capital City Bank Group, Inc 37.69 37.99 36.92 37.40 18.2K -1.97%
CCD Calams Dy Cnv IN 24.86 24.87 24.52 24.79 48.1K 0.20%
CET Central Securities Corp 47.79 47.99 47.55 47.57 22.2K -0.69%
CGBD Tcg Bdc Inc 18.40 18.44 18.31 18.40 111.9K 0.16%
CGO Calamos Global Total Return Fund 11.67 11.67 11.49 11.60 10.7K 0.35%
CHI Calamos Conv 11.39 11.45 11.30 11.35 153.7K -0.18%
CHW Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund 7.02 7.02 6.97 6.98 112.6K -0.14%
CHY Calamos Convertible & Hi Income Fund 11.53 11.53 11.39 11.44 278.3K -0.35%
CIK Credit Suisse AM Inc Fund Inc 2.96 2.97 2.94 2.95 954.3K 0.00%
CINF Cincinnati Financial Corporation 138.08 138.76 136.46 136.96 632.3K -0.69%
CMU MFS High Yield Municipal Trust 3.55 3.57 3.53 3.55 106.6K -0.28%
CNA CNA Financial Corporation 49.63 49.72 48.93 49.01 393.4K -1.29%
CSQ Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund 18.48 18.48 18.22 18.26 166.8K -0.76%
CXE MFS High Income Municipal Trust 3.76 3.78 3.74 3.75 138K -0.27%
CXH MFS Investment Grade Municipal Trust 8.13 8.14 8.10 8.12 6.1K -0.37%
DHY Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund (ETF) 2.13 2.14 2.12 2.12 379.4K -0.93%
DMB Dreyfus Municipal Bond Infrastr 10.70 10.73 10.65 10.70 59.8K 0.00%
DNP DNP Select Income Fund Inc 9.44 9.45 9.37 9.44 393.1K 0.11%
DSM Dreyfus Strategic Municipal Bond Fund 5.95 5.97 5.93 5.95 119.4K 0.00%
EDD Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Domestic 4.78 4.79 4.72 4.75 142.8K -0.84%
EGF BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund, Inc 9.50 9.65 9.50 9.65 2.6K 0.52%
EHI Western Asset Global High Income Fnd Inc 6.85 6.86 6.78 6.82 140.7K -0.73%
ERC Evergreen Multi-Sector Income Fund 9.41 9.41 9.34 9.38 63.1K -0.21%
EVBN Evans Bancorp Inc 44.45 44.66 43.28 44.20 38.6K -0.92%
EVV Eaton Vance Limited Duration Income Fund 10.34 10.36 10.29 10.32 214.1K 0.10%
FISI Financial Institutions, Inc 28.25 28.25 27.22 27.93 149.2K -1.41%
FMN Federated Premier Municipal Income 11.26 11.27 11.15 11.22 28.7K 0.00%
FRA BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strat 13.01 13.03 12.96 12.99 192.7K 0.00%
FSK FS KKR Capital Corp 23.16 23.24 22.99 23.23 914.7K 0.39%
FT Franklin Universal Trust 7.61 7.64 7.57 7.61 17.2K 0.26%
FTF Franklin Templeton Limited Duration Income Trust 6.64 6.67 6.63 6.64 167.5K -0.15%
GBAB Guggenheim Build America Bonds Managed Duration Trust Common Shares of Beneficial Interest 15.92 15.92 15.75 15.86 56.2K -0.56%
GOF Claymore/Guggenheim Strt Opp 15.59 15.59 15.50 15.55 631.3K -0.06%
HBI Hanesbrands Inc 7.88 7.93 7.52 7.54 4.6M -5.51%
HNW Pioneer Diversified High Income Trust 11.95 11.99 11.94 11.98 93.3K 0.17%
HOMB Home BancShares, Inc 31.12 31.27 30.33 30.84 806.1K -1.12%
HTH Hilltop Holdings Inc 32.68 32.68 31.83 32.11 405.1K -2.01%
HYB New America High Income Fund Inc 8.31 8.31 8.24 8.28 23.6K -0.24%
HYT BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund VI, 9.98 10.02 9.83 9.88 934.8K -0.90%
IBKR Interactive Brokers Group, Inc 229.15 231.97 227.99 231.14 2.01M 1.28%
IIM Morgan Stanley Insured Municipal Income 12.27 12.31 12.23 12.30 118.7K 0.24%
IQI Morgan Stanley Quality Municipal Income 10.07 10.08 9.98 10.01 119.1K -0.50%
IVZ Invesco Ltd 19.27 19.27 18.81 18.91 3.55M -1.36%
JEF Jefferies Group, Inc 76.73 77.12 74.50 74.64 992.9K -2.42%
JGH Nuveen Global High Income Fund 13.34 13.37 13.27 13.31 60.6K -0.45%
JHI John Hancock Investors Trust 14.15 14.15 14.10 14.12 9.2K 0.00%
JHS John Hancock Income Securities Trust 11.23 11.28 11.16 11.17 13K -0.36%
L Loews Corporation 86.72 87.01 86.11 86.77 793.8K -0.05%
LADR Ladder Capital Corp 11.63 11.85 11.56 11.79 674.4K 0.51%
LEO Dreyfus Strategic Muni 6.24 6.25 6.20 6.24 235.4K 0.16%
LPLA LPL Investment Holdings Inc. 370.00 375.84 368.09 369.14 685.6K -0.51%
MAV Pioneer Municipal High Income Advantage 8.69 8.69 8.60 8.64 50.1K -0.58%
MBI MBIA Inc 6.81 7.32 6.78 7.02 326.5K 2.33%
MCR MFS Charter Income Trust 6.44 6.44 6.43 6.44 27.1K 0.00%
MFC Manulife Financial Corporation (USA) 30.08 30.19 29.94 30.14 2M 0.43%
MFG Mizuho Financial Group Inc 5.55 5.57 5.46 5.48 1.22M -3.01%
MFH Mercurity Fintech Holding Inc 7.90 8.14 7.35 7.35 107.7K -6.96%
MFM MFS Municipal Income Trust 5.52 5.52 5.44 5.48 145.8K -0.72%
MHD BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund Inc 12.20 12.20 12.12 12.17 67.1K 0.00%
MKL Markel Corporation 2047.00 2047.00 1988.73 2026.37 101.6K -1.62%
MKTX MarketAxess Holdings Inc 200.00 203.09 197.65 201.37 767.7K 0.03%
MMD Mainstay Defined Muni Opp Fund 15.86 15.86 15.59 15.66 33.9K -1.07%
MMT MFS Multimarket Income Trust 4.72 4.75 4.72 4.73 25.6K -0.21%
MPA BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Insured 11.82 11.82 11.72 11.73 42.2K -0.93%
MQT Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund II Inc 10.29 10.30 10.24 10.25 47.2K -0.39%
MUI Blackrock Muni Intermediate Drtn Fnd Inc 12.10 12.11 12.08 12.09 450.9K -0.08%
MVT Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc 10.96 10.96 10.89 10.91 12.8K -0.27%
MYD Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc 10.88 10.90 10.79 10.85 129.2K -0.37%
MYN BlackRock MuniYield New York Insured Fnd 10.26 10.26 10.19 10.24 66.5K 0.00%
NAN Nuveen New York Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 11.62 11.68 11.59 11.64 97.7K 0.17%
NBB Nuveen Build America Bond Fund Common Shares of Beneficial Interest 16.14 16.20 16.07 16.15 24.1K -0.06%
NBH Neuberger Ber 10.70 10.70 10.65 10.70 110.3K 0.00%
NCV Nicholas-Applegate Cv 3.63 3.63 3.49 3.55 1.9M -1.93%
NCZ Nicholas-Applegate Conv 3.31 3.31 3.20 3.27 376K -1.21%
NEA Nuveen Insured Tax-Free Adv Munici Fd 11.56 11.58 11.49 11.56 907K 0.00%
NFBK Northfield Bancorp, Inc 12.01 12.04 11.62 11.80 197.4K -1.83%
NMFC New Mountain Finance Corp 11.61 11.64 11.55 11.61 238.2K 0.35%
NNY Nuveen NY Municipal Value 8.34 8.34 8.26 8.30 31.9K 0.24%
NQP Nuveen PA Invest Quality Municpl Fd (ADR 11.71 11.72 11.69 11.70 18.2K -0.26%
NXC Nuveen CA Select Tax-Free Incom Port(ADR 13.22 13.25 13.21 13.24 4.7K 0.08%
NXN Nuveen NY Select Tax-Free In Portfl (ADR 11.88 11.88 11.70 11.81 6.7K 0.25%
OFG Oriental Financial Group Inc 43.78 43.78 42.93 43.62 346.5K -0.77%
OIA Morgan Stanley Municipal Income Opp 6.13 6.18 6.10 6.13 188.4K -0.33%
OPY Oppenheimer Holdings Inc 68.31 68.36 66.90 67.07 10.5K -1.24%
OSBC Old Second Bancorp Inc 19.40 19.43 19.00 19.19 175.3K -1.08%
PBFS Pioneer Bancorp Inc 11.40 11.75 11.36 11.53 79.6K 0.79%
PCF Putnam High Income Securities Fund 6.69 6.69 6.67 6.67 30K -0.30%
PCK Pimco CA Muni 5.85 5.86 5.82 5.82 167.5K -0.51%
PCN PIMCO Corporate Income Fund 13.75 13.80 13.75 13.76 126.5K 0.00%
PCQ Pimco CA Municipal Income Fund 9.25 9.25 9.17 9.22 27.6K 0.11%
PDI Pimco Dynamic Income Fund 19.67 19.70 19.61 19.64 1.54M 0.05%
PEBK Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc 30.32 30.32 29.32 29.79 6.1K -1.85%
PGP PIMCO Global StocksPLUS & Income Fund 7.94 8.03 7.94 7.98 18.9K -0.13%
PHT Pioneer High Income Trust 7.94 7.97 7.89 7.90 96.2K -0.38%
PIM Putnam Master Int 3.35 3.35 3.30 3.33 32.6K -0.60%
PMF Pimco Municipal Income Fund 9.33 9.37 9.32 9.33 55.1K 0.11%
PML Pimco Municipal Income Fund II 8.58 8.59 8.51 8.55 123.9K -0.35%
PMT PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust 13.59 13.61 13.42 13.50 626.8K -0.95%
PMX Pimco Municipal Income Fund III 7.49 7.49 7.44 7.46 78.8K -0.40%
PNI Pimco NY Muni Income Fund II 7.37 7.40 7.33 7.38 98.3K 0.27%
PPT Putnam Premier Income Trust 3.63 3.63 3.61 3.62 185.4K 0.00%
PTY PIMCO Corporate Opportunity Fund 14.80 14.84 14.79 14.83 554.5K 0.20%
PVBC Provident Bancorp CS 12.44 12.48 12.25 12.43 16.1K -0.48%
PYN Pimco NY Muni 5.84 5.85 5.81 5.84 6.9K -0.17%
PZC Pimco CA Muni 6.87 6.88 6.84 6.86 74.3K -0.29%
RCS PIMCO Strategic Global Government Fund 6.48 6.48 6.41 6.45 106.5K 0.47%
RJF Raymond James Financial, Inc 168.55 170.37 167.07 167.43 725.3K -0.61%
RLI RLI Corp 77.90 77.90 76.69 76.91 426.3K -1.41%
SAR Saratoga Investment Corp. 25.42 25.45 25.31 25.43 47.3K 0.16%
SCD LMP Capital and Income Fund Inc 17.27 17.50 16.96 17.00 62.8K -0.82%
SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Grp, Inc.(ADR) 14.95 14.97 14.74 14.79 1.74M -1.86%
TCPC TCP Capital Corp 9.06 9.10 8.95 9.00 554K -0.66%
TEI Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund 5.44 5.45 5.37 5.42 248.2K -0.18%
TOWN TowneBank 37.42 37.42 36.45 36.80 161.6K -1.34%
TSI TCW Strategic Income Fund Inc 4.86 4.88 4.85 4.86 68.5K -0.41%
VBF Van Kampen Bond Fund Inc 15.70 15.77 15.67 15.69 34.6K -0.57%
VCV Van Kampen California Value Mun Inc Trus 11.20 11.28 11.18 11.22 72.1K 0.18%
VFL Delaware Investments National Municipal Income Fund 10.58 10.62 10.57 10.58 15.8K -0.19%
VGI Virtus Global Multi-Sector Inc 7.90 7.95 7.88 7.92 24.3K 0.13%
VGM Van Kampen Trust Investment Grade Muni 10.17 10.21 10.14 10.18 244.3K -0.29%
VKI Van Kampen Advantage Muni Incm Tr II 8.95 8.99 8.90 8.96 133K 0.11%
VKQ Van Kampen Municipal Trust Fund 9.99 10.04 9.93 9.96 94.5K -0.40%
VMO Van Kampen Municipal Opportunity Trust 9.88 9.89 9.81 9.84 270.9K -0.51%

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