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Arts Stocks List

Arts Stocks List is a list of public traded Arts companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Arts Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACEL Accel Entertainment Inc 12.01 12.01 11.58 11.61 282.6K -3.09%
ADNT Adient Plc 16.60 17.09 16.12 16.88 1.71M 1.75%
AIR AAR Corp 67.89 68.28 66.87 67.32 106.9K -1.07%
ALV Autoliv Inc 94.31 94.31 92.26 93.41 686K -0.61%
APTV Aptiv Plc 65.00 65.79 63.10 64.10 3.82M 0.98%
AXL American Axle & Manufact 5.13 5.14 4.99 5.04 1.12M -1.56%
AYRO Ayro Inc 0.64 0.66 0.64 0.64 60K 0.00%
BH Biglari Holdings Inc 232.34 235.61 230.18 231.21 3.6K -0.91%
BHAT Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Tech 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.05 208.34M 0.00%
BWA BorgWarner Inc 30.48 30.48 29.33 30.02 4.11M -0.73%
BYD Boyd Gaming Corporation 80.00 80.50 76.38 77.22 1.85M -1.72%
CAAS China Automotive Systems, Inc 4.16 4.16 4.00 4.10 25.1K 0.00%
CHDN Churchill Downs, Inc 123.00 124.07 121.72 122.01 429.2K -1.02%
CNTY Century Casinos, Inc 3.02 3.07 3.00 3.02 27.1K 0.00%
CPHC Canterbury Park Holding Corporation 20.26 20.80 20.26 20.80 2.3K 1.46%
CPS Cooper Std Hld Inc 14.51 14.53 14.12 14.47 105K -0.28%
CZR Caesars Entertainment Inc 36.63 36.70 35.49 35.72 4.09M -1.87%
DAN Dana Holding Corporation 16.12 16.20 15.76 15.95 1.28M -0.56%
DKNG Draftkings Inc 42.77 43.00 41.86 42.28 6.54M -0.38%
DORM Dorman Products Inc 129.02 129.05 126.46 126.84 159.7K -2.02%
FLL Full House Resorts, Inc 5.20 5.24 5.10 5.22 115.4K 0.00%
FOXF Fox Factory Cp 26.20 26.27 25.55 25.80 768.6K -1.83%
FRSX Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd ADR 0.99 1.03 0.96 1.00 63.7K 0.00%
FUN Cedar Fair, L 45.25 45.25 43.69 44.00 1.04M -2.78%
GDEN Golden Entmt 32.64 32.65 32.16 32.40 116.4K -0.83%
GE General Electric Company 206.48 207.84 204.50 205.28 3.95M -0.38%
GIGM GigaMedia Limited 1.52 1.54 1.50 1.50 1.8K -0.66%
GNTX Gentex Corporation 24.97 25.09 24.68 25.06 2.71M 0.08%
GTX Garrett Motion Inc 9.59 9.68 9.38 9.49 583.4K -0.63%
HOFV Hall of Fame Resort & Ent CO 1.18 1.18 1.11 1.11 13.4K -5.13%
HOG Harley-Davidson, Inc 26.65 27.29 26.37 26.82 2.93M 0.37%
HON Honeywell International Inc 212.00 213.40 205.38 205.52 6.69M -2.05%
HYLN Hyliion Hldg Corp Cl A 2.12 2.19 2.01 2.01 1.5M -4.74%
IGT International Game Technology 16.69 17.14 16.60 16.63 2.62M -0.60%
KNDI Kandi Technolgies Corp 1.10 1.11 1.07 1.07 63.3K -1.83%
LCII Lci Industries 100.95 101.55 99.59 100.92 244.6K -0.37%
LEA Lear Corporation 95.62 96.33 93.45 96.13 1.26M 1.55%
LI Li Auto Inc ADR 26.43 26.65 25.78 26.02 7.84M 4.83%
LIQT Liqtech International Inc 1.82 1.90 1.74 1.77 4K -5.35%
LVS Las Vegas Sands Corp 43.00 44.10 42.77 42.98 9.4M 1.56%
MANU Manchester United Ltd 16.03 16.15 15.92 16.08 171.4K 0.19%
MCRI Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc 86.89 87.63 85.00 85.91 97.9K -1.00%
MGA Magna International Inc 38.52 38.91 37.93 38.62 1.89M 0.55%
MGM MGM MIRAGE 34.75 34.81 34.21 34.57 4.18M 0.26%
MLCO Melco Resorts & Entertainment 5.45 5.62 5.42 5.52 4.08M 3.37%
MOD Modine Manufacturing Co 97.43 99.04 93.43 98.66 1.74M 0.99%
MPAA Motorcar Parts of America, Inc 5.72 5.92 5.38 5.75 95.5K 1.59%
MSGS Madison Square Garden Sports Corp 204.61 208.00 200.95 205.42 246.9K -2.35%
NIU Niu Technologies ADR 1.99 2.08 1.99 2.07 386K 5.08%
ONEW Onewater Marine Inc Cl A 18.66 19.11 17.98 18.98 171.1K 1.01%
PENN Penn National Gaming, Inc 21.30 21.86 21.16 21.45 3.9M 2.34%
PH Parker-Hannifin Corporation 694.08 694.63 681.62 683.94 549.5K -1.11%
PII Polaris Industries Inc 45.31 45.37 43.69 44.38 1.5M -2.16%
PLNT Planet Fitness 108.60 109.22 106.64 107.91 742.7K -0.58%
PRTS U 1.09 1.13 1.06 1.07 612.6K -0.93%
RICK Ricks Cabaret Intl, Inc 53.03 53.08 51.71 51.97 57.8K -2.33%
RRR RSC Holdings Inc 48.81 49.50 48.41 49.25 1.36M 0.76%
RTX Raytheon Technologies Corp 128.80 129.00 127.33 127.95 3.83M -0.64%
SMP Standard Motor Products, Inc 31.12 31.17 30.49 30.80 88.9K -1.03%
SRI Stoneridge, Inc 4.54 4.54 4.15 4.33 497.6K -4.63%
STRT Strattec Security Corp 40.29 40.29 32.63 36.85 18.9K -3.66%
SUP Superior Industries International Inc 1.95 1.97 1.87 1.90 30.3K -2.56%
SYPR Sypris Solutions, Inc 2.27 2.38 2.18 2.26 29K 0.44%
TEN Tenneco Inc 18.66 18.88 18.20 18.32 160.8K -1.40%
TGI Triumph Group, Inc 25.18 25.23 25.14 25.19 3.12M 0.04%
THRM Gentherm Inc 37.08 37.57 36.40 36.73 192.8K -1.26%
VC Visteon Corporation 81.29 81.36 79.31 80.68 336.8K -0.60%
VOXX Audiovox Corporation 7.41 7.45 7.40 7.40 74.8K 0.00%
WKHS Workhorse Grp 0.51 0.52 0.48 0.49 1.36M -5.77%
WYNN Wynn Resorts, Limited 80.74 82.22 80.28 80.58 2.25M -0.09%
XPEL Xpel Technologies 43.01 43.01 41.01 42.04 143.8K -2.26%

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