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Aircraft Stocks List

Aircraft Stocks List is a list of public traded Aircraft companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Aircraft Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AIR AAR Corp 67.89 68.28 66.87 67.32 106.9K -1.07%
GE General Electric Company 206.48 207.84 204.50 205.28 3.95M -0.38%
HON Honeywell International Inc 212.00 213.40 205.38 205.52 6.69M -2.05%
PH Parker-Hannifin Corporation 694.08 694.63 681.62 683.94 549.5K -1.11%
RTX Raytheon Technologies Corp 128.80 129.00 127.33 127.95 3.83M -0.64%
TGI Triumph Group, Inc 25.18 25.23 25.14 25.19 3.12M 0.04%
TXT Textron Inc 75.56 75.56 74.26 74.52 1.11M -0.98%

Airline Stocks

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