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Vegetable Stocks List

Vegetable Stocks List is a list of public traded Vegetable companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Vegetable Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BGS B&G Foods, Inc 8.81 9.15 8.80 9.14 878.8K 4.94%
CPB Campbell Soup Company 49.84 51.16 49.78 51.09 2.01M 2.63%
CVGW Calavo Growers, Inc 29.72 29.72 28.36 29.02 331.4K -2.09%
FTFT Future Fintech Group Inc 0.31 0.33 0.30 0.30 44.1K 0.00%
KHC Kraft Heinz Company 35.30 35.61 35.22 35.59 5.13M 1.11%
LANC Lancaster Colony Corp 178.94 179.67 176.33 179.63 112.7K 1.13%
LW Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 64.11 64.54 63.57 64.17 1.29M 0.47%
PLAG Planet Green Holdings Corp 1.60 1.60 1.51 1.52 1K -5.00%
SJM The J 117.92 120.92 117.55 120.74 648.2K 2.34%
STKL SunOpta, Inc 6.51 6.79 6.46 6.65 861.1K 3.74%
THS TreeHouse Foods Inc 41.94 42.82 41.59 42.77 273.3K 2.71%

Vehicle Stocks

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