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Titanium Stocks List

Titanium Stocks List is a list of public traded Titanium companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Titanium Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ALB Albemarle Corporation 88.90 89.81 85.87 87.44 2.18M -1.20%
ATI Allegheny Technologies Incorporated 62.12 62.77 60.84 61.77 1.85M -0.69%
CC Chemours Company 17.45 18.10 17.34 17.95 1.32M 4.66%
CRS Carpenter Technology Corporation 140.00 143.38 138.68 142.41 371.8K 1.99%
DCO Ducommun Incorporated 63.96 65.29 63.54 64.74 63.2K 1.22%
HWM Howmet Aerospace Inc 93.50 95.97 92.77 95.28 2.82M 1.11%
KRO Kronos Worldwide, Inc 10.80 11.23 10.75 11.22 208.4K 5.55%
LEG Leggett & Platt, Inc 12.08 12.82 12.01 12.80 1.69M 7.20%
LMAT LeMaitre Vascular, Inc 88.88 90.32 88.88 89.69 70.2K 1.71%
RS Reliance Steel & Aluminum 276.30 280.00 274.60 277.90 281.5K 1.41%
TROX Tronox Inc 12.04 12.22 11.90 12.05 1.23M 2.90%
UEC Uranium Energy Corp 5.29 5.37 5.03 5.08 5.39M -3.24%
VHI Valhi, Inc 27.06 28.11 27.04 28.11 10K 4.15%

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