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Stone Stocks List

Stone Stocks List is a list of public traded Stone companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Stone Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CHNR China Natural Resources Inc 0.72 0.74 0.58 0.61 274.4K -16.44%
CRH CRH PLC (ADR) 85.46 86.88 85.29 86.66 2.6M 1.62%
CSTE Caesarstone Sdot-Yam 4.53 4.70 4.45 4.58 32K 1.78%
CTGO Contango Ore Inc 21.47 21.69 20.93 21.09 123.6K 0.19%
EQX Equinox Gold Corp 5.78 6.28 5.78 6.22 5.53M 10.09%
FURY Fury Gold Mines Limited 0.40 0.42 0.38 0.41 107.8K 5.13%
GLDG Goldmining Inc 1.00 1.01 0.95 0.99 1.85M 1.02%
HBM HudBay Minerals Inc 7.05 7.26 7.02 7.20 3.52M 3.45%
JHX James Hardie Industries N 35.47 36.03 34.55 36.03 38.1K 1.24%
MEC Mayville Engineering Company Inc 18.94 18.99 18.58 18.70 64.1K 0.05%
MLM Martin Marietta Materials, Inc 509.40 517.25 507.50 515.33 312.1K 1.48%
NEXA Nexa Resources S.A. 6.19 6.40 6.19 6.40 14.6K 4.92%
SILV Silvercrest Metals Inc 8.28 9.00 8.28 8.92 2.29M 9.31%
SMID Smith-Midland Corp. 32.01 33.50 31.04 32.65 36.8K 3.72%
TECK Teck Resources Ltd 45.40 46.50 45.32 46.27 3.41M 3.33%
TGLS Tecnoglass Inc 60.39 64.44 59.77 64.39 766.9K 7.55%
TMQ Trilogy Metals Inc 0.50 0.51 0.47 0.50 51.3K 0.00%
UAMY U S Antimony Corp 0.62 0.65 0.62 0.65 339.2K 4.84%
USLM U 79.80 81.86 79.80 81.86 28.1K 3.83%
VMC Vulcan Materials Company 233.52 237.33 233.52 236.27 680K 1.43%

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