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Steel And Iron Ore Stocks List

Steel And Iron Ore Stocks List is a list of public traded Steel And Iron Ore companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Steel And Iron Ore Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ATI Allegheny Technologies Incorporated 58.80 60.51 58.45 59.22 2.08M 1.88%
CMC Commercial Metals Company 50.16 50.45 49.31 49.31 668.6K -1.00%
CRS Carpenter Technology Corporation 133.76 138.36 133.00 136.92 656.8K 4.57%
FRD Friedman Industries 14.39 14.65 14.39 14.39 7K -0.55%
GGB Gerdau SA (ADR) 3.34 3.34 3.29 3.31 3.58M 1.53%
HAYN Haynes International, Inc 59.60 59.73 59.60 59.63 89.9K -0.03%
IIIN Insteel Industries, Inc 31.32 31.32 30.11 30.45 207K -2.68%
MT ArcelorMittal (ADR) 22.23 22.38 22.14 22.16 1.34M -0.27%
NUE Nucor Corporation 141.60 143.51 140.74 140.92 1.35M 1.15%
NWPX Northwest Pipe Company 40.93 41.11 40.40 40.51 30.8K -0.91%
PKX POSCO (ADR) 61.40 61.70 60.99 61.08 137.9K 1.11%
ROCK Gibraltar Industries, Inc 65.49 65.70 64.39 65.19 309.8K -0.76%
SID Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (ADR) 2.10 2.12 2.08 2.09 747.8K -0.48%
STLD Steel Dynamics, Inc 112.78 113.51 110.69 110.74 1.88M -0.09%
TS Tenaris S 28.88 28.89 28.59 28.64 1.12M 0.28%
TWI Titan International, Inc 7.78 7.84 7.61 7.76 562.7K -0.26%
TX Ternium S 32.10 32.41 31.73 31.74 137.1K -1.21%
USAP Universal Stainless & Alloy Products 35.53 37.48 35.32 36.74 126.9K 3.73%
WOR Worthington Industries, Inc 43.14 43.65 42.61 42.92 197.5K -0.12%
X United States Steel Corporation 31.96 33.14 31.77 32.82 8.59M 3.50%

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