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Sporting Stocks List

Sporting Stocks List is a list of public traded Sporting companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Sporting Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BC Brunswick Corporation 75.91 76.31 74.90 75.81 326.4K -0.22%
BGFV Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation 1.90 1.90 1.87 1.87 93.2K -1.06%
CODI Compass Diversified Holdings 20.34 20.71 20.27 20.56 220.3K 1.48%
COLM Columbia Sportswear Company 80.64 81.53 80.49 81.46 225.3K 0.92%
DECK Deckers Outdoor Corporation 911.67 930.64 909.22 919.13 166.3K 1.09%
DIS The Walt Disney Company 88.22 89.33 88.18 89.30 7.17M 1.11%
DKS Dicks Sporting Goods, Inc 208.55 212.35 208.55 210.70 619.7K 1.16%
FL Foot Locker, Inc 24.18 25.67 24.18 25.36 3.73M 4.66%
LTM Life Time Fitness, Inc 24.91 25.25 24.86 24.86 188K 3.07%
LULU Lululemon Athletica inc 254.02 260.39 253.97 260.14 1.78M 1.94%
NKE NIKE, Inc 78.23 79.07 77.53 78.40 7.17M 0.00%
UA Under Armour, Inc 6.46 6.97 6.46 6.89 5.11M 6.33%
VFC V 17.52 17.79 17.10 17.24 4.19M -1.71%
WWW Wolverine World Wide, Inc 13.27 13.61 13.12 13.58 828.3K 2.18%

Sporting Good Stocks

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