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Seed Stocks List

Seed Stocks List is a list of public traded Seed companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Seed Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ADM Archer Daniels Midland Company 59.22 59.22 58.11 59.00 2.54M -0.08%
AGCO AGCO Corporation 88.65 89.22 86.66 88.95 621K 0.19%
ALG Alamo Group, Inc 169.83 174.53 168.05 174.11 81K 1.71%
ANDE The Andersons, Inc 45.75 45.85 44.65 45.71 163.3K -0.97%
ASH Ashland Inc 84.27 84.65 82.64 84.41 421.3K -0.11%
BG Bunge Limited 96.32 96.32 94.49 95.90 968.4K -0.29%
CASH Meta Financial Group Inc 65.63 65.63 63.01 65.09 125.5K -1.44%
CENT Central Garden & Pet Co 37.00 37.06 36.25 37.03 78.9K -0.43%
CG The Carlyle Group 37.60 37.93 36.65 37.75 1.93M -0.16%
CGA China Green Agriculture, Inc 1.82 1.82 1.61 1.61 7.3K -5.29%
CTVA Corteva Inc 55.26 55.29 53.93 55.15 2.51M -0.42%
DE Deere & Company 386.67 388.86 378.66 388.59 1.16M 0.33%
FMAO Farmers & Merch Banc 26.13 26.67 25.92 26.42 20.6K 0.04%
GRWG Growgeneration Corp 1.93 2.01 1.92 1.98 548.4K 2.06%
MIDD The Middleby Corporation 129.34 132.35 125.58 129.41 1.33M -0.20%
MTEM Molecular Templates Inc 1.18 1.46 1.18 1.37 166.4K 22.32%
NTR Nutrien Ltd 45.57 45.71 44.96 45.66 2.4M 0.91%
RKDA Arcadia Bio 2.81 2.94 2.65 2.86 12K 3.62%
SANW S&W Seed Company 0.25 0.25 0.21 0.23 93.7K -4.17%
SEB Seaboard Corporation 3097.54 3106.74 3045.00 3094.36 2.2K -0.15%
SEED Origin Agritech Ltd 2.48 2.53 2.40 2.46 15.5K -0.40%
SITE Siteone Landscape Supply 132.18 132.64 128.48 132.10 461K -0.74%
SMG The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company 66.64 67.30 65.45 66.35 558.9K -0.97%
STEP Stepstone Group Inc Cl A 50.72 51.52 49.41 51.42 819K 0.96%
TRMB Trimble Navigation Limited 55.13 55.61 53.56 54.91 1.13M -0.56%
UNFI United Natural Foods, Inc 14.18 14.55 13.84 14.51 564K 1.33%
UVV Universal Corporation 50.96 51.10 49.85 51.02 100.9K -0.51%

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