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Seafood Stocks List

Seafood Stocks List is a list of public traded Seafood companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Seafood Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BDL 26.25 27.23 26.20 27.23 3.8K 2.37%
BSFC Blue Star Foods Corp 0.72 0.79 0.65 0.76 439.9K 1.33%
CHEF The Chefs Warehouse 40.27 40.31 39.41 39.61 299.1K -1.98%
DRI Darden Restaurants, Inc 156.56 157.50 155.41 156.71 1.2M -0.84%
GO Grocery Outlet Holding Corp 17.34 17.39 16.90 16.95 1.21M 0.53%
HFFG HF Foods Group Inc 3.13 3.31 3.13 3.24 18.5K 5.19%
JBT John Bean Technologies Corporation 87.46 88.35 86.23 86.92 197.7K -1.93%
KHC Kraft Heinz Company 35.86 36.21 35.72 36.05 6.56M -0.28%
KR The Kroger Co 52.12 52.58 51.90 51.97 6.05M -0.57%
MATX Matson Inc 125.91 126.91 125.01 125.49 226.9K -0.10%
NEOG Neogen Corporation 15.33 15.55 15.20 15.35 1.94M -0.45%
NGVC Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage Inc 26.55 26.89 26.20 26.32 64.9K -0.27%
PFGC Performance Food Group Company 71.44 72.14 71.24 71.49 877K -0.01%
QSR Restaurant Brands International 67.65 68.41 67.12 67.81 2.08M 0.27%
RRGB Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc 3.12 3.16 2.97 3.04 649.5K -3.18%
SEE Sealed Air Corp 33.79 33.83 33.27 33.31 1.46M -1.39%
SFM Sprouts Farmers Mark 99.20 102.40 99.20 100.10 1.31M 1.29%
SPTN Spartan Stores, Inc 22.02 22.14 21.73 21.74 228.6K -1.58%
SYY SYSCO Corporation 78.53 79.12 78.37 78.41 2.78M -0.10%
WMK Weis Markets, Inc 67.66 68.16 66.77 66.92 68.2K -1.37%

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