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Rail Stocks List

Rail Stocks List is a list of public traded Rail companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Rail Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CNI Canadian National Railway (USA) 117.09 117.71 115.98 117.20 689K 1.36%
CP Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (USA) 83.31 84.74 82.98 84.64 1.41M 2.16%
CSX CSX Corporation 33.55 33.86 33.25 33.76 9.87M 1.17%
FTAI Fortress Transportation & Infra 114.62 117.18 112.83 113.03 1.09M 0.43%
GATX GATX Corp 132.70 133.56 131.24 132.25 143.6K -0.69%
NSC Norfolk Southern Corp 250.77 257.78 250.50 256.81 1.87M 2.51%
R Ryder System, Inc 132.19 135.08 130.86 133.87 410.6K 1.33%
UNP Union Pacific Corporation 250.71 252.14 249.82 251.11 2.16M 0.58%
WLFC Willis Lease Finance Corporation 100.99 105.25 100.99 104.64 19.9K 4.86%
WNC Wabash National Corporation 18.41 18.70 18.31 18.60 781.6K -0.27%

Railroad Stocks

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