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Pizza Stocks List

Pizza Stocks List is a list of public traded Pizza companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Pizza Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BGS B&G Foods, Inc 8.42 8.43 8.21 8.37 588.9K -0.48%
BJRI BJs Restaurants, Inc 28.40 28.83 27.89 28.71 327.2K 1.13%
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc 371.90 374.31 366.52 373.38 229.2K -0.41%
DPZ Dominos Pizza, Inc 413.24 413.80 396.06 407.97 1.13M -2.11%
GIS General Mills, Inc 74.53 74.66 72.55 73.12 3.74M -2.29%
LANC Lancaster Colony Corp 176.00 176.06 171.66 174.80 106.2K -1.06%
NPK National Presto Industries Inc 73.80 74.22 72.50 74.05 23.8K -0.28%
PFGC Performance Food Group Company 70.95 71.44 69.98 71.36 656.1K 0.10%
PZZA Papa Johns Intl, Inc 48.28 48.85 47.50 48.73 625.1K 1.02%
RAVE Rave Restaurant Group 1.79 1.79 1.72 1.77 13K 0.00%
SMPL The Simply Good Foods Company 33.30 33.36 32.61 33.34 640.5K -0.57%
YUM Yum! Brands, Inc 132.43 134.22 130.63 134.03 2.07M 0.86%
YUMC Yum China Holdings Inc 34.19 34.41 33.74 34.04 3.24M 0.15%

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