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Oil Refining Stocks List

Oil Refining Stocks List is a list of public traded Oil Refining companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Oil Refining Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AE Adams Resources & Energy, Inc 23.25 23.44 22.82 22.82 4.3K -1.76%
BCO The Brinks Company 107.08 107.19 105.31 105.87 111K -1.05%
CHRW C 101.87 102.52 99.92 100.80 1.15M -1.35%
EXPD Expeditors International of Washington 122.62 123.61 120.61 121.00 630.8K -1.25%
FWRD Forward Air Corporation 31.83 32.55 31.48 31.94 486.9K 0.38%
GEL Genesis Energy, L 13.12 13.30 12.86 12.88 475.6K -1.90%
GLP Global Partners LP 41.95 43.27 41.95 42.64 30K 1.16%
HUBG Hub Group, Inc 44.96 45.28 44.25 44.25 33.6K -2.15%
MMLP Martin Midstream Partners L 3.61 3.61 3.51 3.51 20.2K -2.50%

Oilfield Stocks

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