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Natural Gas Stocks List

Natural Gas Stocks List is a list of public traded Natural Gas companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Natural Gas Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AM American Greetings Corporation 14.35 14.61 14.30 14.59 1.58M 2.10%
AREC American Resources Corp 0.48 0.49 0.45 0.49 149.6K 6.52%
AROC Archrock Inc 18.97 19.42 18.97 19.15 1.17M 1.38%
ATO Atmos Energy Corporation 134.44 135.07 133.86 134.77 795.6K -0.01%
BIPC Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP Cl A 40.66 41.54 40.53 41.27 661K 2.28%
CLNE Clean Energy Fuels Corp 2.90 2.99 2.82 2.93 1.02M 2.45%
CNP CenterPoint Energy, Inc 27.95 28.07 27.53 27.59 6.77M -1.29%
CQP Cheniere Energy Partners, L 49.01 50.14 48.75 48.96 102K 0.91%
ENB Enbridge Inc 40.38 40.51 40.22 40.49 2.33M 0.62%
ENLC Enlink Midstream Llc 14.43 14.55 14.39 14.51 989.3K 0.55%
ET Energy Transfer LP 15.90 16.04 15.88 16.00 7.37M 0.82%
LNG Cheniere Energy, Inc 177.50 178.64 176.56 177.21 924K 0.34%
MPLX Mplx LP 42.98 43.36 42.92 43.31 1.14M 1.12%
NFG National Fuel Gas Co 59.87 60.25 58.85 59.18 586.8K -2.20%
NGG National Grid plc (ADR) 68.98 69.29 68.70 69.27 342.5K -0.07%
NJR New Jersey Resources Corporation 46.33 46.69 46.25 46.44 340.6K 0.32%
NWN Northwest Natural Gas 39.27 39.52 38.97 39.30 170.8K 0.64%
OGS One Gas Inc 70.78 71.18 70.25 71.16 511.7K 0.65%
SPH Suburban Propane Partners, L 17.74 18.28 17.74 17.83 111K 0.51%
SR The Standard Register Company 64.72 65.49 64.72 65.01 322.6K 0.37%
SRE Sempra Energy 81.55 81.84 81.00 81.70 2.33M 0.41%
SREA Sempra Energy 5.750% Junior 24.99 25.19 24.90 24.97 85.6K -0.08%
TGS Transportadora de Gas del Sur SA (ADR) 20.52 20.97 20.37 20.96 141K 1.90%
TRGP Targa Resources Investments Inc 145.17 148.22 144.90 146.72 1.31M 1.38%
UGI UGI Corporation 23.49 23.67 23.34 23.49 2.13M 0.13%
USAC USA Compression Partners LP 22.07 22.54 21.99 22.52 183.5K 2.88%
WES Western Gas Partners, LP 38.48 39.05 38.46 38.86 624.2K 1.46%
WMB Williams Companies, Inc 44.62 45.38 44.49 45.09 5.54M 1.14%

Natural Gas Distribution Stocks

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