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Molecular Stocks List

Molecular Stocks List is a list of public traded Molecular companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Molecular Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ABT Abbott Laboratories 116.02 117.05 115.94 116.40 3.35M -0.37%
AIM Aerosonic Corporation 0.30 0.31 0.29 0.30 169.1K 0.00%
AMPH American Physicians Service Group Inc 47.23 48.34 47.03 48.09 645K 3.37%
ANIK Anika Therapeutics, Inc 24.56 25.03 24.47 24.64 29.9K 0.90%
APDN Applied Dna Scns 1.52 1.57 1.32 1.37 1.62M -8.67%
BDX Becton, Dickinson and Co 235.66 237.50 233.79 234.18 772.5K -0.56%
BEAM Beam Therapeutics Inc 24.88 26.34 24.72 26.30 943K 7.79%
BNGO Bionano Genomics Inc 0.47 0.48 0.43 0.43 1.46M -4.44%
BRKR Bruker Corporation 64.98 65.74 64.43 65.66 805.4K 1.44%
CDXS Codexis, Inc. 2.74 2.83 2.74 2.78 190.1K 1.83%
CE Celanese Corporation 121.14 123.70 120.74 123.14 914.1K 2.72%
CODX Co-Diagnostics Inc 1.27 1.33 1.27 1.31 42.5K 1.55%
DHR Danaher Corporation 272.90 274.91 271.31 274.25 2.25M 0.65%
ENZ Enzo Biochem, Inc 1.12 1.13 1.10 1.11 53.7K -1.77%
FDMT 4D Molecular Therapeutics Inc 16.02 16.59 16.02 16.25 365.4K 2.14%
GE General Electric Company 169.41 179.32 169.21 178.28 7.36M 5.06%
HBIO Harvard Bioscience, Inc 2.84 2.91 2.79 2.88 76.8K 3.23%
HOLX Hologic, Inc 80.32 81.50 80.12 81.15 1.44M 0.91%
IDYA Ideaya Biosciences Inc 36.49 37.62 36.23 37.46 488.3K 3.74%
ILMN Illumina, Inc 126.31 129.71 126.31 129.18 1.18M 2.32%
MRVI Maravai LifeSciences Holdings Inc 8.93 8.96 8.37 8.39 1.66M -2.56%
MTEM Molecular Templates Inc 1.12 1.27 1.12 1.19 55.6K 6.25%
MYGN Myriad Genetics, Inc 26.50 27.84 26.50 27.59 733K 4.55%
NEO Neogenomics Inc 16.54 16.60 16.04 16.40 458K 1.23%
NTRA Natera Inc 125.00 128.28 124.81 126.51 1.02M 1.11%
OCX Oncocyte Corp 3.04 3.10 3.04 3.08 4.8K -0.65%
OPK Opko Health Inc 1.52 1.60 1.51 1.57 2.17M 1.29%
OSUR OraSure Technologies, Inc 4.31 4.46 4.26 4.45 684.1K 4.46%
PACB Pacific Biosciences of California 1.81 2.01 1.78 1.81 10.03M 0.56%
PAVM Pavmed Inc 1.82 1.83 1.66 1.78 105.5K 3.49%
PCRX Pacira Pharm Inc 12.86 13.27 12.84 13.11 886.1K 2.99%
PIRS Pieris Pharma 17.03 17.49 16.66 16.67 34K -2.11%
QDEL Quidel Corporation 45.20 45.93 44.89 45.47 599K 1.50%
ROG Rogers Corporation 103.63 105.10 102.96 104.47 87.9K 3.27%
SLP Simulations Plus, Inc 32.72 33.07 32.39 32.50 122.2K 0.78%
SRDX SurModics, Inc 39.32 39.38 38.98 39.36 91.2K 0.90%
TECH Techne Corporation 73.37 74.72 73.25 74.67 401.7K 2.01%
TTOO T2 Biosystems CS 2.43 2.53 2.38 2.53 193.9K 5.86%
UCTT Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc 34.04 34.75 33.82 34.69 304.4K 3.21%
VECO Veeco Instruments Inc 30.33 31.43 30.33 31.25 462.8K 3.96%
VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 480.00 486.06 478.75 485.37 700.8K 1.40%

Molecule Stocks

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