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Memory Stocks List

Memory Stocks List is a list of public traded Memory companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Memory Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AMKR Amkor Technology, Inc 29.32 29.40 28.40 28.51 1.28M -3.58%
ARW Arrow Electronics, Inc 128.84 129.14 126.45 126.91 124.9K -1.64%
BKD Brookdale Senior Living, Inc 6.89 6.94 6.69 6.70 5.98M -2.62%
CDNS Cadence Design Systems, Inc 251.85 254.45 245.45 247.52 1.74M -1.33%
CLS Celestica Inc 45.43 45.65 40.65 41.03 5.46M -10.61%
CMCM Cheetah Mobile Inc 3.50 3.76 3.50 3.56 11.3K 0.00%
CPHI China Pharma Holdings, Inc. 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18 98.7K 0.00%
FORM FormFactor, Inc 43.40 43.40 42.29 42.61 80.7K -2.98%
GME GameStop Corp 22.40 24.48 21.80 23.72 19.9M 5.94%
GSIT GSI Technology, Inc 2.53 2.66 2.40 2.59 117.2K 3.19%
HEI HEICO Corporation 252.50 254.01 248.43 249.43 383.5K -0.97%
IBRX ImmunityBio Inc 3.47 3.56 3.33 3.38 2.3M -2.03%
INTC Intel Corporation 19.44 19.49 18.64 18.89 92.11M -2.63%
MCHP Microchip Technology Inc 76.75 76.83 73.69 74.09 9.57M -3.47%
MRAM Everspin Technologies Inc 5.33 5.33 5.11 5.19 73.3K -2.08%
MRCY Mercury Computer Systems Inc 37.50 37.77 36.18 36.40 382.9K -3.14%
MRVL Marvell Technology Group Ltd 69.50 69.54 65.77 66.07 5.49M -5.47%
MU Micron Technology, Inc 89.37 89.65 85.26 86.38 23.39M -3.37%
NHC National HealthCare Corporation 131.27 131.70 128.61 129.03 74.4K -2.01%
NHI National Health Investors 82.86 83.22 80.99 82.78 81.8K 0.33%
NVEC NVE Corporation 76.36 76.36 75.00 75.00 4.5K -1.46%
OSS One Stop Systems Inc 2.31 2.34 2.17 2.25 29.1K -2.60%
RMBS Rambus Inc 39.94 39.98 38.34 38.50 303.2K -3.73%
SANM Sanmina-SCI Corporation 65.41 65.81 64.19 64.26 408K -1.97%
SGH SWEDISH EXPORT 18.67 18.69 17.69 17.79 840.7K -4.25%
TDS Telephone & Data Systems, Inc 23.61 23.95 22.95 23.03 1.4M -2.83%
TER Teradyne, Inc 124.91 125.86 119.81 121.45 2.3M -3.69%
THRM Gentherm Inc 46.91 46.91 46.11 46.15 9.1K -1.85%
VECO Veeco Instruments Inc 31.35 31.40 30.16 30.25 112.1K -3.66%
WDC Western Digital Corp 62.15 62.33 60.62 60.69 861.5K -3.07%
XPER Xperi Holding Corp 8.29 8.37 8.07 8.11 126.1K -2.41%

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