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Kitchen Stocks List

Kitchen Stocks List is a list of public traded Kitchen companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Kitchen Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ALPP Alpine 4 Holdings Inc 0.36 0.39 0.36 0.38 5.7K 2.70%
AMWD American Woodmark Corporation 85.80 87.22 82.93 83.32 117.5K -2.75%
ATER Aterian Inc 3.23 3.54 3.18 3.50 133.7K 10.76%
BBY Best Buy Co 99.30 100.43 98.02 98.50 2.46M -0.92%
BGS B&G Foods, Inc 8.71 8.79 8.61 8.70 750.6K -0.34%
CRCT Cricut Inc 5.89 5.95 5.63 5.64 449.7K -4.57%
CTRN Citi Trends, Inc 14.20 14.37 13.95 14.05 114.5K -1.06%
DG Dollar General Corp. 81.04 83.46 80.50 82.58 6.31M 2.70%
DRI Darden Restaurants, Inc 158.98 160.58 156.95 158.03 591.9K 0.06%
IBEX Ibex Limited Common Share 17.28 17.29 16.93 16.96 31.3K -1.57%
ITP Intertape Polymer Group (USA) 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.23 7.4K -4.17%
ITW Illinois Tool Works Inc 242.99 245.83 242.34 243.86 417.1K 0.33%
LCII Lci Industries 113.45 114.19 111.36 112.57 45.1K -1.04%
LCUT Lifetime Brands, Inc 6.80 6.80 6.31 6.33 63.8K -5.52%
LOW Lowes Companies, Inc 244.85 247.46 243.14 243.81 1.89M -0.12%
MIDD The Middleby Corporation 133.65 135.24 131.87 132.70 476.9K -0.49%
MKC McCormick & Company, Incorporated 83.08 83.58 82.65 82.88 1.44M -0.19%
NPK National Presto Industries Inc 75.14 75.14 73.59 73.96 22.4K -0.80%
NTES NetEase 78.02 78.04 77.19 77.58 1.21M -1.26%
NWL Newell Rubbermaid Inc 7.58 7.66 7.50 7.61 5.48M 0.13%
NX Quanex Building Products Corporation 30.00 30.93 28.21 30.29 2.37M 21.84%
PDS Precision Drilling Trust (USA) 67.97 67.97 64.66 65.33 41.1K -3.71%
PFGC Performance Food Group Company 73.40 73.77 71.32 71.50 476.5K -2.23%
POOL Pool Corporation 342.82 346.47 339.91 341.37 356K -0.18%
PPG PPG Industries, Inc 125.00 126.28 124.38 124.78 1.21M -0.40%
REYN Reynolds Consumer Products Inc 32.52 32.65 32.26 32.39 653.1K -0.34%
SYY SYSCO Corporation 79.00 79.65 78.41 78.49 1.25M -0.62%
TCS The Container Store Group Inc 11.40 11.53 10.47 10.69 11.1K -6.15%
TREX Trex Company, Inc. 61.21 62.59 60.97 61.74 965.8K 1.46%
TUP Tupperware Brands Corporation 1.16 1.18 1.16 1.16 91.5K -1.69%
VIOT Viomi Technology CO Ltd ADR 1.50 1.50 1.35 1.41 137.1K -6.00%
VIPS Vipshop Holdings Ltd 12.34 12.63 12.27 12.48 3.4M 0.65%
WHR Whirlpool Corporation 97.35 98.77 97.15 97.60 185.9K 0.07%
WW Watson Wyatt Worldwide Inc 0.76 0.77 0.73 0.75 1.22M -1.32%

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