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Forest Stocks List

Forest Stocks List is a list of public traded Forest companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Forest Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AGRO Adecoagro S.A. 11.49 11.62 11.41 11.57 859.8K 1.67%
ALCO Alico, Inc 27.51 28.77 27.51 28.68 23K 4.75%
BCC Boise Cascade L.L.C. 130.14 136.79 129.92 135.86 333.1K 6.57%
BIOX Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp 8.72 8.93 8.55 8.56 84.6K -0.47%
CALM Cal-Maine Foods, Inc 69.77 70.19 68.81 69.38 586.4K 0.04%
FDP Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc 28.67 28.83 28.40 28.82 192.1K 1.19%
JELD Jeld-Wen Holding Inc 14.36 14.84 14.20 14.54 467.7K 3.93%
LMNR Limoneira Company 25.50 25.98 25.21 25.96 35.7K 2.24%
LND Brasilagro ADR 4.80 4.88 4.80 4.86 39.3K 1.46%
LPX Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 95.19 98.91 95.19 97.92 698.5K 3.30%
SEED Origin Agritech Ltd 2.55 2.60 2.47 2.49 62.2K -3.11%
TREX Trex Company, Inc. 65.30 66.45 64.88 66.10 890.5K 3.09%
UFPI Universal Forest Products, Inc 119.35 122.08 119.04 121.95 235.3K 3.94%
VFF Village Farms Intl 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 141.3K 2.04%

Forestry Stocks

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