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Financial Stocks List

Financial Stocks List is a list of public traded Financial companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Financial Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACIW ACI Worldwide Inc 46.75 47.09 46.18 47.03 572.2K -0.06%
ACNB Acnb Corp 40.20 40.63 39.70 40.14 7K -0.99%
ACTG Acacia Research- Acacia Technologies 4.67 4.73 4.60 4.66 437.7K -0.85%
ADX Adams Express Company 20.76 20.95 20.48 20.91 215.1K 1.06%
AFBI Affinity Bancshares Inc 21.40 21.43 21.40 21.43 13.3K -0.09%
AFG American Financial Group 134.07 134.07 131.51 132.53 241.5K -1.61%
AGM Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp 181.04 182.56 178.00 182.29 37.9K -0.26%
AI Arlington Asset Investment Corp 21.49 21.77 20.92 21.41 3.09M -0.42%
AIG American International Group, Inc 72.17 72.28 71.05 72.16 3.44M -0.21%
AIHS Senmiao Technology Ltd 1.34 1.45 1.32 1.45 309.1K 6.62%
AL Air Lease Corp Cl A 41.63 42.33 40.95 42.30 640.6K 0.95%
ALKT Alkami Technology Inc 28.76 29.56 28.40 29.43 392.1K 1.94%
ALL The Allstate Corporation 184.46 184.99 181.09 184.39 1.77M -0.26%
ALLY Ally Financial 32.32 33.29 31.98 32.87 9.88M 0.61%
ALRS Alerus Financial Corp 21.10 21.11 20.75 21.04 31.1K -1.31%
AMAL Amalgamated Bk 29.79 30.10 29.33 29.99 170.5K -0.03%
AMBC Ambac Financial Group 10.55 10.70 10.28 10.66 345K 0.38%
AMP Ameriprise Financial, Inc 432.82 436.26 422.56 435.77 317.5K 0.39%
AMRK A-Mark Precious Meta 43.50 44.18 41.91 44.13 420.6K 0.87%
AMTB Mercantil Bank Holding Cl A 20.66 20.66 19.92 20.54 55.4K -1.91%
ANET Arista Networks Inc 327.49 344.02 324.19 342.93 2.43M 4.95%
APCX AppTech Payments Corp 0.87 0.87 0.83 0.83 86.1K -4.60%
API Advanced Photonix, Inc 1.91 2.00 1.91 1.97 74.8K -1.01%
APO American Community Properties Trust 108.92 108.99 104.37 108.67 2.84M 1.81%
APPN Appian Corp Cl A 31.17 31.73 30.60 31.45 376.5K 0.16%
ARDC Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation 15.41 15.41 15.28 15.37 41.3K -0.19%
AROW Arrow Financial Corporation 28.49 28.49 27.40 27.88 27.1K -3.23%
ASB AdvanSource Biomaterials Corporation 20.77 20.89 20.20 20.54 1.4M -2.24%
ASRV AmeriServ Financial, Inc 2.63 2.69 2.58 2.69 10.2K 1.13%
ATEN A10 Networks Inc 12.94 13.06 12.72 13.03 306.2K 0.23%
ATGE Adtalem Global Education Inc 69.06 71.24 68.60 70.84 498.9K 1.72%
ATIF Atif Holdings Ltd 1.05 1.06 1.04 1.06 4.6K -0.93%
ATLC Atlanticus Hld Cp 30.25 31.03 30.00 30.78 12.3K 0.72%
AUB Atlantic Union Bancshares Corp 36.94 36.96 35.87 36.78 330.7K -1.71%
AX Axos Financial Inc 61.50 61.96 60.16 61.43 460.8K -1.44%
BAC Bank of America Corporation 38.99 39.03 38.01 39.00 38.56M -0.71%
BAM Brookfield Asset Management Inc 42.63 44.34 42.45 44.27 1.42M 3.63%
BANF BancFirst Corporation 103.90 105.21 101.13 104.67 128.8K -0.22%
BANR Banner Corporation 56.30 56.70 53.78 55.98 125.9K -1.58%
BANX Stonecastle Fncl Cp 20.52 20.55 20.31 20.48 12.7K 0.10%
BCML Bay Commercial Bk CA 22.07 22.19 21.85 22.02 14.5K -1.26%
BCO The Brinks Company 104.46 105.33 102.81 105.21 414.5K 0.10%
BDC Belden Inc 98.47 99.19 96.69 99.05 190.5K -0.14%
BEKE Ke Holdings Inc ADR 14.00 14.15 13.81 14.11 4.39M -0.63%
BEST Shiner International, Inc 2.76 2.76 2.75 2.75 3.5K -0.36%
BFC Bank First National Corp [Wisconsin] 87.34 87.77 85.81 87.44 20.7K -0.81%
BFIN BankFinancial Corporation 11.33 11.50 11.03 11.40 9K 1.69%
BFST Business First Bancshares Inc 24.60 24.62 23.91 24.53 52.2K -1.13%
BGH Buckeye GP Holdings L 15.01 15.09 15.00 15.08 48.5K 0.40%
BGT Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust 12.79 12.88 12.79 12.88 70.1K 0.55%
BHB Bar Harbor Bankshares 29.63 30.03 29.14 29.84 25.8K -0.70%
BHF Brighthouse Financial Inc 41.19 41.20 40.00 41.15 527.8K -0.84%
BHLB Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc 25.75 25.84 25.13 25.81 179K -0.85%
BILL Holdings Inc 53.01 53.32 51.45 52.24 1.54M -2.06%
BK The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 67.23 68.18 66.01 68.10 4.17M 0.87%
BKU BankUnited Inc 35.20 35.22 33.92 34.89 686.6K -2.51%
BL Blackline Inc 48.17 48.96 47.66 48.88 549K 1.45%
BLBX Blackboxstocks Inc 2.28 2.44 2.15 2.28 3.9K 1.79%
BLIN Bridgeline Digital Inc 1.08 1.12 1.07 1.09 15.6K 1.87%
BLKB Blackbaud, Inc 81.29 81.64 80.41 81.35 137.4K -0.39%
BMO Bank of Montreal (USA) 82.77 84.50 82.69 84.35 832.6K 1.76%
BMRC Bank of Marin Bancorp 20.31 20.31 19.69 19.80 57.1K -3.84%
BNS The Bank of Nova Scotia (USA) 51.45 51.78 50.99 51.76 1.22M 0.60%
BOH Bank of Hawaii Corporation 62.84 62.92 61.09 62.68 222.9K -1.37%
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 101.62 101.62 98.87 100.80 106.7K -1.61%
BOX seacube container leasing ltd 32.54 33.09 32.22 33.07 1.57M 1.13%
BR Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc 212.74 212.94 208.02 211.25 518.2K -1.35%
BRBS Blue Ridge Bankshare 2.71 2.73 2.66 2.66 165K -0.75%
BRO Brown & Brown, Inc 102.78 102.78 99.40 100.70 1.74M -2.36%
BSBK Bogota Financial Corp 7.41 7.72 7.19 7.19 13.8K -5.15%
BSVN Bank7 Corp 37.99 38.46 37.83 38.36 5.3K -0.85%
BTA BlackRock LT Municipal Advantage Trust 10.54 10.62 10.52 10.60 27.7K 0.47%
BTO John Hancock Bank & Thrift Opportu 32.17 32.82 31.50 32.29 68.6K -0.19%
BTU Peabody Energy Corporation 20.35 20.86 20.21 20.73 2.39M 0.83%
BUSE First Busey Corporation 25.85 25.85 25.26 25.76 232.1K -1.53%
BWFG Bankwell Financial 29.70 30.47 29.35 30.26 22.9K 1.00%
BX The Blackstone Group L 141.89 143.43 138.24 143.27 3.13M 0.75%
BY Byline Bancorp Inc 25.93 25.98 25.28 25.74 106.1K -1.72%
BYFC Broadway Financial Corporation 6.26 6.72 6.26 6.65 16.3K 4.40%
C Citigroup Inc 57.59 57.59 56.18 57.30 16.56M -1.12%
CAC Camden National Corporation 37.55 38.03 36.87 37.92 116.2K 0.37%
CACI CACI International Inc 468.78 469.64 456.98 469.28 57.9K -0.22%
CADE Cadence Financial Corporation 29.81 30.31 29.22 30.22 992.6K 0.03%
CANG Cango Inc ADR 1.65 1.65 1.52 1.58 27.1K -4.24%
CARE Carter Bank&Tr [Va] 17.12 17.31 16.86 17.27 79K -0.29%
CASH Meta Financial Group Inc 65.63 65.63 63.01 65.09 125.5K -1.44%
CAT Caterpillar Inc 333.00 335.48 326.11 335.00 1.93M 0.25%
CBFV Cb Financial Svc 27.39 27.39 27.39 27.39 400 2.05%
CBRE CBRE Group Inc 115.37 117.41 113.93 117.12 1.64M 0.27%
CBU Community Bank System, Inc 56.50 56.70 55.20 56.32 257.4K -1.61%
CBZ CBIZ, Inc 63.90 65.56 62.66 65.36 660.4K 1.32%
CCB Coastal Financial Corp 49.52 49.72 47.90 49.08 66.1K -1.86%
CCBG Capital City Bank Group, Inc 33.65 33.65 32.84 33.40 17K -1.45%
CCNE CNB Financial Corporation 23.14 23.36 22.62 23.28 35.4K -0.51%
CCOI Cogent Communications Group, Inc 71.38 71.38 69.65 70.09 249.4K -2.44%
CDLX Cardlytics Inc 3.23 3.33 3.18 3.29 488.3K 2.49%
CFB Crossfirst Bankshares Inc 16.94 16.94 16.40 16.84 348.8K -1.46%
CFFI C&F Financial Corporation 56.00 56.99 56.00 56.99 6.7K 1.77%
CFFN Capitol Federal Financial 5.66 5.72 5.51 5.69 453.9K -0.52%
CFG Citizens Financial Group Inc/Ri 39.49 39.80 38.51 39.66 6.91M -0.85%
CFR Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc 105.68 106.35 103.61 105.75 273.1K -0.93%
CG The Carlyle Group 37.60 37.93 36.65 37.75 1.93M -0.16%
CHCO City Holding Company 114.26 114.62 111.48 114.03 39.2K -1.14%
CHI Calamos Conv 11.56 11.58 11.43 11.46 137.9K -0.35%
CHMG Chemung Financial Cp 46.29 46.49 45.10 46.49 10.1K 0.39%
CIF MFS Intermediate High Income Fund 1.77 1.79 1.75 1.76 164.4K 0.00%
CIGI Colliers Intl Grp IN 140.90 142.77 139.60 142.72 43.1K 0.75%
CINF Cincinnati Financial Corporation 136.85 137.13 132.22 133.97 597.6K -2.52%
CIVB Civista Bncshrs 16.50 16.64 16.24 16.52 38.5K -0.24%
CLBK Columbia Financial Inc 16.57 16.57 16.12 16.36 71.9K -2.27%
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (USA) 60.11 61.25 60.11 61.24 2.13M 1.56%
CMA Comerica Incorporated 56.64 56.85 55.54 56.42 2.11M -1.71%
CME CME Group Inc 218.66 218.80 214.78 218.59 3.05M 0.05%
CMU MFS High Yield Municipal Trust 3.62 3.64 3.61 3.63 54.5K 0.55%
CNA CNA Financial Corporation 50.68 50.79 49.33 49.45 223.1K -2.83%
CNF Cnfinance Holdings Ltd ADR 0.94 0.99 0.94 0.97 5.4K -1.02%
CNNE Cannae Holdings Inc 18.83 18.83 18.40 18.68 329.9K -1.63%
CNO Conseco, Inc 32.15 32.17 31.40 32.11 626.5K -0.99%
CNXC Concentrix Corporation 68.75 68.97 66.23 68.49 330K -0.87%
COF Capital One Financial Corp 136.75 136.80 132.61 136.46 2.86M -1.11%
COFS Choiceone Financial 30.01 30.51 30.00 30.12 15.7K -0.30%
COHN Cohen and Co Inc. 8.84 8.98 8.52 8.97 9.5K -0.22%
COIN Converted Organics Inc 153.56 158.84 149.95 157.15 6.27M -0.83%
COLB Columbia Banking System, Inc 23.68 23.68 22.95 23.48 1.69M -1.68%
CPF Central Pacific Financial Corp 26.44 26.44 25.66 26.22 155.3K -1.91%
CRAI CRA International, Inc 157.39 158.00 155.90 156.33 18.9K -1.59%
CREG China Recycling Energy Corp. 0.95 0.98 0.86 0.94 13.4K 2.17%
CREX Creative Realities Inc 4.63 4.63 4.43 4.59 13.8K -1.71%
CRM Salesforce 244.81 250.02 242.01 249.57 4.6M 1.39%
CSGS CSG Systems International, Inc 45.37 45.50 44.57 45.42 175.6K -0.66%
CSPI CSP Inc. 11.62 11.74 11.18 11.69 20.1K 2.01%
CTSH Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 76.35 76.41 74.76 76.30 2.58M -0.33%
CUBI Customers Bancorp 48.10 48.72 46.30 48.56 337K -0.16%
CVBF CVB Financial Corp 16.96 17.02 16.54 16.95 733.3K -1.05%
CVCO Cavco Industries, Inc 401.40 407.69 393.82 402.84 58K -0.12%
CVLT CommVault Systems, Inc 142.52 146.92 140.16 145.51 421.1K 1.48%
CWBC Community West Bancshares 20.04 20.25 19.78 20.10 26.3K -0.54%
CWK Cushman & Wakefield Plc 12.38 12.76 12.23 12.72 1.96M 1.60%
CXE MFS High Income Municipal Trust 3.90 3.93 3.90 3.92 90.1K 0.77%
CXH MFS Investment Grade Municipal Trust 8.25 8.28 8.21 8.24 13.4K -0.24%
CZNC Citizens & Northern Corporation 18.92 19.00 18.62 18.89 9.8K -1.20%
DBD Diebold Incorporated 40.44 41.77 39.54 41.74 100.2K 2.33%
DCOM Dime Community Bancshares, Inc 24.58 24.58 23.63 24.47 135.9K -1.69%
DE Deere & Company 386.67 388.86 378.66 388.59 1.16M 0.33%
DELL Dell Inc 107.15 108.90 105.55 108.80 9.7M 2.03%
DFIN Donnelly Financial Solutions Inc 65.28 66.17 64.10 65.54 122.9K -0.44%
DFS Discover Financial Services 127.31 128.93 124.47 128.68 1.28M -1.27%
DHF Dreyfus High Yield Strategies Fund 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.51 758.1K -1.18%
DHIL Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc 149.06 151.13 149.06 151.01 8.3K -1.16%
DHX DICE HOLDINGS, INC 1.59 1.61 1.48 1.60 122.9K 3.23%

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