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Entertainment Stocks List

Entertainment Stocks List is a list of public traded Entertainment companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Entertainment Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACEL Accel Entertainment Inc 11.49 11.50 11.07 11.18 210.5K -2.87%
AMC Amc Entertainment Holdings Inc 4.74 4.97 4.65 4.89 10.19M 3.38%
BH Biglari Holdings Inc 171.00 171.11 166.14 168.49 1.3K -0.71%
BYD Boyd Gaming Corporation 60.12 60.76 59.67 59.72 971.2K -0.28%
CHDN Churchill Downs, Inc 139.00 139.66 136.04 136.68 223.6K -1.36%
CNK Cinemark Holdings, Inc 28.44 28.52 27.62 28.01 772.4K -1.99%
CNTY Century Casinos, Inc 2.39 2.47 2.39 2.43 54.1K 1.67%
CPHC Canterbury Park Holding Corporation 19.80 19.80 19.20 19.20 2.9K -4.62%
CURI Curiositystream Inc 1.64 1.72 1.62 1.66 124.9K -0.60%
CZR Caesars Entertainment Inc 37.24 37.72 36.44 36.87 3.72M -0.59%
DDI WisdomTree International Industrials Fnd 14.19 14.23 13.93 13.97 3.9K -0.43%
DKNG Draftkings Inc 36.00 36.14 34.20 35.11 9.81M -1.74%
DLB Dolby Laboratories, Inc 69.13 69.41 68.34 68.48 361.4K -1.03%
DLPN Dolphin Entertainment Inc 0.72 0.72 0.65 0.68 10.8K -4.23%
FLL Full House Resorts, Inc 5.01 5.01 4.86 4.92 34.9K -1.40%
FOX Fox Corp Cl B 37.45 37.64 37.21 37.21 121.5K -0.43%
FOXA Fox Corp Cl A 40.41 40.69 40.28 40.34 360.3K -0.20%
FUBO Facebank Group Inc 1.65 1.76 1.63 1.65 11.3M 0.00%
FUN Cedar Fair, L 43.25 43.57 41.04 41.58 929.5K -4.52%
GDEN Golden Entmt 32.37 32.69 31.76 32.04 146.5K -1.02%
GIGM GigaMedia Limited 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 10.4K -1.50%
HOFV Hall of Fame Resort & Ent CO 2.05 2.05 1.76 1.80 38.9K -10.00%
IGT International Game Technology 22.01 22.25 21.62 21.68 622.4K -1.28%
IMAX IMAX Corporation (USA) 21.77 21.80 20.98 21.00 390.3K -3.93%
ISCB BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. 55.18 55.37 55.00 55.09 3.1K -1.54%
KAVL Kaival Brands Innovations Group Inc 0.64 0.64 0.60 0.62 42K -1.59%
LVS Las Vegas Sands Corp 39.98 40.15 39.55 39.93 3.64M -0.13%
LYV Live Nation, Inc 94.49 95.10 92.57 93.16 986.4K -1.10%
MANU Manchester United Ltd 16.99 17.08 16.44 16.46 303.1K -3.63%
MCRI Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc 75.56 75.86 74.70 75.22 58.2K -0.28%
MCS The Marcus Corporation 14.42 14.53 14.33 14.36 458K -0.76%
MGM MGM MIRAGE 35.80 36.03 34.86 35.15 3.6M -1.84%
MLCO Melco Resorts & Entertainment 5.49 5.69 5.46 5.69 1.04M 3.83%
MSGS Madison Square Garden Sports Corp 203.99 205.25 200.55 202.33 116.7K -1.08%
NMTC NeuroOne Medical Technologies Corp 0.79 0.79 0.75 0.77 15.1K 0.00%
PENN Penn National Gaming, Inc 18.95 19.22 18.81 18.93 2.58M 0.48%
PLNT Planet Fitness 83.36 83.36 81.01 81.87 745.7K 0.17%
RICK Ricks Cabaret Intl, Inc 42.17 42.47 40.52 41.08 87.9K -1.91%
RRR RSC Holdings Inc 57.51 57.86 54.98 55.04 447K -4.03%
WORX Scworx Corp 1.19 1.19 1.15 1.15 6.4K -5.74%
WYNN Wynn Resorts, Limited 77.33 78.25 76.68 76.72 1.89M -0.52%

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