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Engineering Stocks List

Engineering Stocks List is a list of public traded Engineering companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Engineering Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACM AECOM Technology Corporation 97.09 98.51 96.79 97.82 568.8K 1.34%
AGX Argan, Inc 90.12 91.57 88.78 91.10 233K 2.83%
AMRC Ameresco Inc 33.95 34.52 33.43 34.28 219.7K 3.16%
ASTC Astrotech Corp 8.04 8.41 8.00 8.22 8K 2.62%
BEEM Beam Global 5.22 5.50 5.22 5.29 64.9K 0.38%
BWXT Bwx Technologies Inc 98.64 99.15 97.97 98.42 589.8K -0.04%
DY Dycom Industries, Inc 185.64 187.74 184.12 184.74 407.8K 0.19%
EME EMCOR Group, Inc 392.78 400.49 392.45 396.42 249K 2.04%
ENG ENGlobal Corporation 1.17 1.25 1.08 1.20 6.1K -0.83%
ESOA Energy Services of America Corp 10.40 10.49 10.00 10.14 161.8K -2.59%
EXPO Exponent, Inc 106.38 107.54 105.62 107.29 134.9K 1.98%
FIX Comfort Systems USA, Inc 343.25 351.75 342.99 347.73 240.9K 2.57%
FLR Fluor Corporation (NEW) 45.53 46.11 45.38 45.89 844.3K 2.20%
FTEK Fuel Tech Inc 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.00 75.3K -1.96%
GLDD Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation 9.67 10.11 9.60 9.84 829.7K 2.82%
GVA Granite Construction Inc 75.20 76.92 74.51 76.37 1.05M 2.80%
IESC Integrated Electrical Services, Inc 160.33 163.95 156.15 161.11 192.8K 2.52%
J Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 143.00 145.09 142.99 143.96 462.2K 1.02%
KBR KBR, Inc 61.90 62.29 61.78 62.23 946K 1.04%
MG Mistras Group, Inc. 10.68 10.80 10.64 10.77 62.8K 1.03%
MTRX Matrix Service Company 10.75 11.09 10.46 10.96 264.2K 2.72%
MTZ MasTec, Inc 111.01 113.00 111.01 112.28 735.8K 1.70%
MYRG MYR Group Inc 95.73 98.44 95.42 98.19 145K 3.87%
NFE New Fortress Energy Llc 11.06 11.86 10.94 11.77 3.54M 7.88%
NVEE Nv5 Global 90.80 91.35 90.36 90.80 69.9K 0.50%
ORN Orion Marine Group, Inc 5.91 6.14 5.78 6.05 911.2K 3.77%
PRIM Primoris Services Corp 54.82 55.68 54.22 54.60 405.5K 1.11%
PSN Parsons Corp 95.97 98.63 95.65 98.22 1.11M 2.89%
PWR Quanta Services, Inc 270.45 272.70 268.16 269.54 476.6K 0.39%
RCMT RCM Technologies, Inc 19.05 19.64 19.05 19.64 22.9K 4.25%
ROAD Construction Partners Inc Cl A 64.63 65.83 63.71 65.09 268.3K 2.84%
RUN Sunrun Inc 19.28 19.61 18.75 19.23 6.59M 2.40%
STN Stantec Inc 78.18 78.55 77.26 77.42 235.4K -0.95%
STRL Sterling Construction Company, Inc 125.48 128.00 123.94 127.10 232.5K 3.19%
TISI Team, Inc 17.00 17.00 16.30 16.76 5.5K -1.59%
TPC Tutor Perini Corporation 23.78 24.31 23.70 24.18 273K 3.64%
TTEK Tetra Tech, Inc 46.23 47.00 45.77 46.24 870.3K 0.39%
VSEC VSE Corporation 86.45 88.31 86.45 87.91 58.6K 2.94%
WLDN Willdan Group, Inc 37.59 38.49 37.59 38.07 91.5K 1.57%

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