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Dental Stocks List

Dental Stocks List is a list of public traded Dental companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Dental Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AHCO Adapthealth Corp Cl. A 11.31 11.31 10.79 10.79 755.9K -3.83%
AMN Ameron International Corporation 43.18 44.94 42.33 43.68 631.7K 1.56%
AMS American Shared Hospital Services 3.09 3.09 3.01 3.04 31.8K 0.33%
BDSX Biodesix Inc 1.81 1.86 1.78 1.80 47.9K 0.56%
BLBX Blackboxstocks Inc 2.16 2.33 2.03 2.04 12K -10.53%
BMRA Biomerica Inc 0.31 0.32 0.29 0.31 92.3K 0.00%
CAH Cardinal Health, Inc 113.28 113.55 112.30 112.39 1.46M -0.85%
CCEL Cryo-Cell International, Inc. 6.38 6.47 6.30 6.30 3.4K -3.67%
CCM Concord Medical Services Holding Ltd. 5.19 5.21 4.88 4.96 8.1K -8.15%
CCRN Cross Country Healthcare, Inc 13.56 13.76 13.36 13.51 405.9K 0.30%
COSM Cosmos Holdings Inc 1.08 1.08 0.96 1.00 398.7K -6.54%
CRVL CorVel Corporation 303.70 306.39 303.60 304.54 18.4K 1.25%
DGX Quest Diagnostics Incorporated 153.51 154.97 151.88 154.76 762.5K 0.78%
FLGT Fulgent Genetics Inc 21.82 22.45 21.51 22.01 129.1K 1.20%
GH Guardant Health Inc 24.88 25.80 24.55 25.58 2.13M 2.85%
HSIC Henry Schein, Inc 67.28 68.21 66.83 68.17 1.28M 1.67%
INFU Infusystems Holdings 6.52 6.57 6.46 6.47 21K 0.31%
LH Laboratory Corp 217.78 220.83 214.92 220.06 656.6K 0.81%
MCK McKesson Corporation 509.88 513.39 507.36 511.17 978.2K 0.14%
NVST Envista Holdings Corp 17.66 18.75 17.38 18.67 4.07M 5.84%
OMI Owens & Minor, Inc 14.61 14.89 14.37 14.39 493.7K -1.24%
PDCO Patterson Companies, Inc 20.78 21.17 20.50 21.09 681.2K 1.64%
PETQ Petiq Inc Cl A 30.67 30.74 30.65 30.66 379.9K 0.07%
PINC Premier Inc Cl A 19.61 19.78 19.48 19.76 649.5K 0.87%
PMD Psychemedics Corp 2.30 2.32 2.30 2.32 38K 1.75%
RCM R1 Rcm Inc 14.10 14.13 14.10 14.12 1.36M 0.00%
RDNT RadNet Inc 62.70 67.97 62.51 67.23 983.2K 7.91%
VMD Viemed Healthcare Inc 7.35 7.50 7.29 7.47 54.6K 1.63%
XGN Exagen Inc 2.98 3.10 2.94 3.01 17.7K -0.66%
XRAY DENTSPLY International Inc 24.76 25.41 24.47 25.39 1.48M 2.67%

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