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Brokerage Stocks List

Brokerage Stocks List is a list of public traded Brokerage companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Brokerage Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACNB Acnb Corp 39.50 40.36 39.49 39.91 14.8K 1.68%
AJG Arthur J 295.70 299.90 294.85 298.94 839.6K 1.61%
ALLY Ally Financial 39.82 40.12 39.47 39.66 3.68M 0.25%
AMAL Amalgamated Bk 31.00 31.24 30.56 30.60 185.6K -1.00%
AMP Ameriprise Financial, Inc 434.36 438.77 430.46 436.35 477.1K 2.16%
AMRK A-Mark Precious Meta 44.14 44.30 43.19 43.64 314.3K -0.50%
AMTB Mercantil Bank Holding Cl A 20.73 21.10 20.65 20.85 75.2K 0.58%
ARCB Arcbest Corp 99.80 100.79 98.68 99.19 234.1K 0.09%
ASB AdvanSource Biomaterials Corporation 21.23 21.57 21.18 21.40 1.31M 0.42%
AUB Atlantic Union Bancshares Corp 37.10 37.61 36.87 37.55 494.4K 0.91%
AWX Avalon Holdings Corporation 2.56 2.56 2.38 2.44 8.5K -5.43%
BAC Bank of America Corporation 39.25 39.71 39.10 39.47 34.73M 1.83%
BANF BancFirst Corporation 101.65 106.59 101.09 105.29 259.2K 4.03%
BEKE Ke Holdings Inc ADR 14.42 14.57 14.25 14.52 2.3M -0.41%
BHLB Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc 26.12 26.26 25.86 25.93 407.4K -0.80%
BK The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 67.02 68.28 66.94 67.72 4.48M 2.10%
BNS The Bank of Nova Scotia (USA) 50.85 51.37 50.68 51.29 1.26M 1.56%
BOH Bank of Hawaii Corporation 64.18 64.26 63.29 63.66 258.9K -0.89%
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 101.46 103.52 101.46 103.16 191.5K 0.89%
BRO Brown & Brown, Inc 104.63 105.10 103.34 103.72 1.41M -0.22%
BUSE First Busey Corporation 26.02 26.18 25.67 25.75 344.7K -0.96%
C Citigroup Inc 59.90 60.66 58.17 59.54 19.6M 0.97%
CAC Camden National Corporation 37.80 38.38 37.70 37.90 45K -1.25%
CBSH Commerce Bancshares, Inc 61.53 61.89 61.13 61.74 707.4K 0.82%
CFFI C&F Financial Corporation 55.99 57.97 55.99 56.02 17.7K -0.90%
CFR Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc 106.77 108.75 106.58 108.59 375.7K 1.75%
CHCI Comstock Homebuilding Companies, Inc 7.70 8.00 7.69 7.95 43.8K 5.02%
CHMG Chemung Financial Cp 46.44 46.45 46.21 46.40 11.1K 0.00%
CIGI Colliers Intl Grp IN 140.53 143.37 139.98 142.38 102.8K 1.91%
CINF Cincinnati Financial Corporation 136.14 138.49 133.88 137.47 840.6K 1.54%
CMA Comerica Incorporated 54.80 55.58 54.43 55.44 2.19M 1.04%
COMP Compass Inc 5.24 5.99 5.20 5.90 10.34M 14.34%
CPF Central Pacific Financial Corp 26.76 27.03 26.46 26.78 139.4K 0.00%
CTBI Community Trust Bancorp, Inc 48.08 48.75 47.75 48.02 43.5K 0.00%
CVLG Covenant Logistics Group Inc 50.35 51.76 50.08 51.27 35.1K 1.56%
CWST Casella Waste Systems Inc 104.40 105.85 103.57 105.37 205.1K 1.76%
EFSC Enterprise Financial Services Corp 50.55 51.00 50.27 50.42 118K 0.04%
EFX Equifax Inc 294.78 300.45 293.77 297.39 825.6K 1.82%
ENV Envestnet, Inc. 62.72 62.84 62.70 62.78 222.4K 0.05%
EXPD Expeditors International of Washington 121.35 123.65 121.35 122.53 779.5K 1.26%
EXPI Exp Realty International 11.61 12.87 11.54 12.70 991.2K 9.58%
FCCO First Community Corporation 21.00 21.27 20.97 21.19 11.7K -0.19%
FCF First Commonwealth Financial 16.50 16.69 16.42 16.49 530K -0.30%
FDX FedEx Corporation 283.50 286.18 282.93 283.30 879.9K 0.09%
FFIN First Financial Bankshares, Inc 35.31 35.76 35.02 35.65 569K 1.28%
FFWM First Foundation 6.80 6.99 6.69 6.84 419.9K 0.88%
FHN First Horizon National Corporation 15.44 15.86 15.33 15.71 5.42M 2.01%
FITB Fifth Third Bancorp 40.95 41.80 40.75 41.60 3.54M 0.80%
FMBH First Mid Ill Bncshr 38.45 38.89 38.26 38.44 56.6K 0.18%
FMNB Farmers Natl Banc Cp 14.91 15.30 14.80 14.92 71.2K 0.07%
FNB F 14.04 14.23 13.95 14.15 1.68M 1.00%
FNF Fidelity National Financial, Inc 58.86 59.21 58.24 58.90 1.01M 0.12%
FRME First Merchants Corporation 36.40 36.96 36.23 36.37 193.6K -0.79%
FSV Firstsrvce Sub VT Sh 177.12 179.76 177.12 177.46 56.7K 0.11%
FTHM Fathom Holdings Inc 2.83 2.95 2.60 2.88 114K -3.68%
FULT Fulton Financial Corp 17.91 18.01 17.65 17.73 1.34M -2.42%
FUNC First united corporation 28.64 28.84 28.60 28.68 19.1K 0.17%
FWRD Forward Air Corporation 31.91 32.66 30.04 32.10 1.17M 0.50%
GABC German American Bancorp 38.49 38.78 38.21 38.40 52.9K -0.08%
GNE Genie Energy Ltd Cl B 16.37 16.63 16.34 16.49 48.8K 0.67%
HBAN Huntington Bancshares Incorporated 14.40 14.85 14.40 14.66 19.94M 2.45%
HBT Hbt Financial Inc 21.36 21.77 21.30 21.30 18.6K -0.28%
HTLF Heartland Financial USA, Inc 53.69 54.67 53.68 54.46 242.9K 1.62%
HUBG Hub Group, Inc 44.24 44.46 43.79 43.84 350.4K -0.93%
HUIZ Huize Holding Limited ADR 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 8.7K 5.26%
HWBK Hawthorn Bancshares, Inc. 23.97 24.12 23.62 23.80 4.9K -2.02%
HWC Hancock Whitney Corp 50.16 50.43 49.56 49.97 421K -0.02%
HZO MarineMax, Inc 31.11 31.11 29.85 30.30 344.8K 4.34%
IBCP Independent Bank Corporation(MI) 32.51 32.93 32.12 32.47 79.3K 0.46%
IBKR Interactive Brokers Group, Inc 123.65 125.21 123.46 124.22 576.6K 1.37%
ISDR Issuer Direct Corp 10.50 11.61 10.50 11.53 40K 9.91%
JBHT J 167.67 171.95 167.67 171.74 615.7K 2.13%
JEF Jefferies Group, Inc 56.62 57.48 56.24 56.88 1.27M 1.12%
JPM JPMorgan Chase & Co 215.19 218.15 214.18 216.81 8.88M 2.05%
KEY KeyCorp 15.81 16.65 15.75 16.18 21.47M 2.41%
KKR KKR & Co. L.P. 117.99 119.89 117.51 118.46 2.52M 1.91%
KNX Knight Transportation 50.04 51.81 49.94 51.34 2.05M 2.52%
LCNB Lcnb Corp 15.21 15.51 15.14 15.48 17.9K 2.04%
LKFN Lakeland Financial Corporation 64.90 64.98 63.79 64.10 86.1K -1.08%
LNT Alliant Energy Corporation 58.77 59.26 58.56 59.25 901.2K 1.14%
LPLA LPL Investment Holdings Inc. 214.96 214.96 206.27 210.19 799.7K -0.55%
LSTR Landstar System, Inc 180.00 182.68 179.95 181.60 156.8K 0.88%
MATX Matson Inc 125.91 126.91 125.01 125.49 226.9K -0.10%
MBCN Middlefield Banc 25.68 26.40 25.57 25.87 9.6K 2.70%
MFC Manulife Financial Corporation (USA) 27.22 27.48 27.22 27.36 1.16M 0.88%
MLP Maui Land & Pineapple Co 23.25 24.50 23.05 24.46 11.7K 4.26%
MMI Marcus & Millichap 37.56 38.37 37.56 37.91 63.7K 0.32%
MOFG MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc 28.02 28.56 27.93 27.98 34.1K 0.00%
MRTN Marten Transport, Ltd 17.00 17.22 16.84 17.02 281.4K 0.29%
MS Morgan Stanley 97.75 99.02 97.60 98.18 5.27M 1.38%
MSBI Midland Sts BNC 22.10 22.44 22.00 22.04 86.1K -0.23%
MTC Allied Irish Banks Plc 0.26 0.27 0.25 0.25 470K -3.85%
MTN Vail Resorts, Inc 185.32 185.47 180.35 180.38 729.4K -2.61%
NL NL Industries, Inc 6.33 6.64 6.11 6.36 54.8K -1.55%
NOAH Noah Holdings Limited 8.44 8.63 8.37 8.46 139K -0.12%
NTRS Northern Trust Corporation 87.52 88.67 86.84 87.76 1.17M 1.27%
NWFL Norwood Financial Corporation 26.37 27.25 26.37 27.10 8K 3.71%
ODFL Old Dominion Freight Line 185.98 190.99 185.77 189.78 1.45M 2.68%
OFG Oriental Financial Group Inc 43.82 44.06 43.38 43.71 196.2K -0.25%
ONB Old National Bancorp 18.59 18.72 18.45 18.60 1.96M 0.38%
OPY Oppenheimer Holdings Inc 50.84 51.25 50.39 50.50 34.1K -0.30%
ORRF Orrstown Financial Services 34.43 35.12 34.40 34.77 70.8K 1.22%
OSBC Old Second Bancorp Inc 16.68 16.96 16.29 16.75 297.7K 0.54%
PB Prosperity Bancshares 72.08 73.03 71.80 72.55 460.8K 0.79%
PBHC Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc 16.02 16.23 15.77 15.85 1.8K -1.18%
PEBK Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc 27.19 27.19 26.53 26.55 30.4K -2.17%
PEBO Peoples Bancorp Inc 30.20 30.53 30.03 30.21 102.5K 0.13%
PFIS Peoples Finl Svcs Company 44.67 44.90 44.00 44.64 15.3K 0.77%
PNC PNC Financial Services 178.48 183.37 177.57 182.61 2.85M 3.34%
PNFP Pinnacle Financial Partners 93.40 95.00 92.30 93.42 385.5K 0.43%
PTSI P 17.26 18.09 16.72 16.76 17.7K -2.56%
PWOD Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc 21.13 21.51 21.01 21.05 8.9K -2.18%
RBA Ritchie Bros 83.09 83.55 82.06 83.48 785.1K 0.99%
RDFN Redfin Corp 9.40 10.59 9.30 10.43 7.66M 12.03%
RILY B. Riley Financl 5.52 6.50 5.33 5.93 4.85M 10.22%
RJF Raymond James Financial, Inc 116.49 118.16 115.73 116.85 1.09M 1.43%
RLGT Radiant Logistics 6.13 6.40 6.13 6.30 166.5K 3.45%
RMAX Re/Max Holdings Inc 10.59 11.19 10.59 10.96 203.2K 3.49%
RRBI Red River Bancshares Inc 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 4K 2.12%
RVSB Riverview Bancorp, Inc 4.45 4.46 4.37 4.42 37.7K -0.45%
RY Royal Bank of Canada (USA) 121.29 123.19 121.27 122.98 737.2K 1.70%
SBCF Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida 26.50 26.69 26.19 26.54 409K 0.30%
SBFG Sb Financial Group 17.20 17.50 16.80 17.22 14.4K 0.41%
SBSI Southside Bancshares, Inc 32.84 32.93 32.19 32.76 95.9K -0.33%
SCHW The Charles Schwab Corporation 63.54 63.58 62.86 63.01 6.23M 0.49%
SHBI Shore Bancshares, Inc 13.75 13.89 13.65 13.73 53.9K 0.00%
SIEB Siebert Financial Corp. 1.72 2.00 1.72 2.00 20.8K 11.11%
SLF Sun Life Financial Inc 54.74 55.16 54.74 55.01 232.2K 0.73%
SNDR Schneider National Inc 26.77 27.49 26.77 27.19 621.7K 1.99%
SNEX Stonex Group Inc 77.13 79.52 77.13 77.66 106.9K 0.47%
SNV Synovus Financial Corp 42.99 44.14 42.70 43.93 1.75M 2.93%
STBA S&T Bancorp, Inc 41.30 41.40 40.77 41.27 147.9K 0.05%
STLD Steel Dynamics, Inc 112.78 113.51 110.69 110.74 1.88M -0.09%
STT State Street Corporation 84.03 84.83 82.48 83.66 3.23M 0.44%
SYBT S 57.65 58.19 57.20 57.70 59.6K 0.05%
SYF Synchrony Financial 47.95 48.55 47.66 48.17 2.52M 1.88%
TFC Taiwan Greater China Fund 42.41 42.81 42.24 42.60 8.39M 1.28%
TFII Tfi International Inc 140.65 142.00 140.02 140.17 159.1K 0.26%
TIGR TigerLogic Corp 3.44 3.66 3.39 3.65 2.17M 6.41%
TOWN TowneBank 33.21 33.61 32.86 33.38 286.9K 0.36%
TREE Tree 52.03 54.70 52.03 53.29 130K 2.15%
TRMK Trustmark Corporation 32.02 32.29 31.49 31.61 370.3K -1.40%
TW Towers Watson & Co 112.87 115.11 112.10 113.90 906.4K 1.09%
UBSI United Bankshares, Inc 36.75 37.58 36.38 36.96 475.7K 0.65%
ULH Universal Logis Hld 40.10 40.41 39.44 39.56 26.2K -1.27%
UMBF UMB Financial Corporation 100.31 102.12 99.80 101.74 374.8K 1.91%
UPS United Parcel Service, Inc 127.80 129.72 127.61 128.88 3.72M 0.97%
USB U 44.93 45.44 44.77 45.26 6.77M 1.85%
UVSP Univest Corp 27.49 27.83 27.46 27.55 90.8K 0.36%
VABK Virginia National Bankshares Corp 39.56 39.89 39.28 39.50 7.7K -0.40%

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