Stock Screener

Automobile Stocks List

Automobile Stocks List is a list of public traded Automobile companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Automobile Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
F Ford Motor Company 10.78 10.87 10.53 10.58 46.5M -1.76%
FNKO Funko Inc Cl A 9.70 9.81 9.51 9.61 232.4K -1.03%
GM General Motors Corporation 48.07 48.65 47.01 47.39 8.13M -1.58%
GNLN Greenlane Holdings Inc Cl A 4.90 5.30 4.45 4.99 259.2K 10.89%
GPC Genuine Parts Company 136.31 137.79 134.05 134.30 932.2K -2.21%
HMC HONDA MOTOR CO 32.12 32.23 31.31 31.35 359.5K -3.15%
KAVL Kaival Brands Innovations Group Inc 0.64 0.64 0.60 0.62 42K -1.59%
LI Li Auto Inc ADR 18.77 18.78 18.24 18.37 1.62M -2.60%
NIO Nuveen Insured Municipal Opp 4.94 5.18 4.90 5.05 94.28M 4.12%
RACE Ferrari N.V. 482.65 484.22 469.34 470.70 287K -1.35%
TM Toyota Motor Corporation (ADR) 181.19 181.55 176.89 177.18 288.4K -3.07%
TSLA Tesla Motors Inc 232.60 233.60 210.51 210.73 111.43M -8.45%
XPEV Xpeng Inc ADR 8.89 8.89 8.52 8.61 6.22M -2.49%

Automotive Stocks

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