Stock Screener

How to Find Trending Stocks

Trending stocks work well for swing traders because they follow an uptrend and it is a good idea to ride an uptrend than against it. As long as the trader has the discipline to sell their stocks when the trend is broken, he should do fine. The problem is it takes time for traders to find trending stocks manually because they would have to search through stock charts and find the stocks that are actually trending.

Trending Stocks Today

To help swing traders, we created this top trending stocks list to find trending stocks today. We use a set of technical indicators and stock chart patterns, as well as trending following techniques to produce the best trending stocks today. These stocks are for swing trading and day trading only because we use daily stock charts, and it is pretty much useless if you were a long term investor. These stocks are updated after the market close each day, so traders can check back each night to find stocks to watch.

Top Trending Stocks

Another good way to find trending stocks is using the top 50 trending stocks service. The service is provided by Marketclub using their advanced Trade Triangle and Smart Scan technology. The top trending stocks shows you the big market movers that are change on a daily basis and help traders to find trading opportunities, and hot stock symbols that are currently trending.

How to Trade Trending Stocks

The simplest way to trade trending stocks is to draw a trend line. Ideally, you would buy the stock when the stock approaches the lower trend line. You will hold the stock as long as the stock trades above the trend line, and sell it when the stock drop below the trend line with strong volume. The following two stocks, McDonald's and Tesla Motors are good examples of trending stocks. They are both on an uptrend and are trading above the trading lines. One strategy would be just to buy their stock and ride the trend. However, you need to have an exit plan before you trade a trending stock, or any stock you trade. You can have a target price or percentage that you want to gain, and a stop loss for your trades. Remember, a trending stock won't be trending forever, so at some point you need to sell them to make a profit. Here's what many stock beginners do, they would keep holding the stock (because of greed) until the trend is reverse and sell on a loss because they are fear of lose more money. Don't be one of these guys, it is always better to make a little profit than a big loss. 

NVDA Stock Analysis

NVDA Stock

TSLA Stock Analysis

TSLA Stock

To learn more, read How to find Profitable Stocks.

Following is a few other useful screens we offer that traders may find helpful for finding trending stocks. These stock screeners are updated daily.

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