Stock Screener

#1 Free Indicator Revealed
The Winning Trading Pattern

How to Find Stocks to Swing Trade

There are many different ways that a trader can find stocks to swing trade. One of the best ways is to use a stock screener. A stock screener allows a trader to find stocks quickly based on the criteria he selects. There are two common types of stock screeners on the market, one based on fundamental analysis and the other based on technical analysis. Our stock screener is based purely on technical analysis and is aim for swing traders to find stocks to swing trade.

How to Use Our Technical Stock Screener

  1. Go to the main page
  2. Select a technical analysis criteria or any combinations of technical indicators. Scroll down and hit the submit button below. Stocks that meet your criteria will show up.

To use our technical stock screener efficiently, one needs to have a basic understanding of technical analysis. You can learn about it with What is Technical Analysis and How Technical Analysis Works.

The most basic functionality of a stock scanner is to search for stocks that meet your price criteria. For example, if you are only interested in searching for stocks trading in the range of $5-$15 with volume over 1 million, you will use the Price & Volume Screener. You can check the checkboxes next to the Price and Volume and select the criteria as shown below.

As soon as you hit the submit button, you will see a list of stocks showing up that meet the criteria sorted by the percentage gain.

The technical stock screener allows you to scan for stocks based on various technical indicators and oscillators such as moving average crossovers, EMA, MACD crossovers, RSI, Stochastic and many others. If you are not familiar with any of these technical indicators, you may want to read Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets which is one of the best books on technical analysis.

In technical analysis, when a simple moving average with shorter time frame crosses over a simple moving average with longer time frame, it is a bullish signal for the stocks in the short term. A trader who incorporates moving average in his trading method may want to use the 10 day and 15 day moving average crossover scanner.

MACD is another powerful technical indicator many traders utilize in their trading strategies. When the MACD line and the signal line crosses, it generates a bullish MACD crossover signal for technical analysts. With the MACD crossover screener, all you have to do is to check the checkbox next to the MACD Crossover pattern and hit the submit button, the system will generate a list of stocks that matches this pattern.

Swing traders who uses candlestick patterns will find our candlestick screener useful. Candlestick patterns is originated from Japan and is a very useful technique in predicting the short term movement of stock prices.

Our stock screener scans for major candlestick patterns such as Bullish Engulfing, Bearish Engulfing, Doji and many more. To learn more about Candlestick patterns and how to use it to make profits in the stock market, read Profitable Candlestick Trading.

Every trader has his own sets of favorite technical indicators when it comes to swing trading. Some technical indicators may perform better than others during different markets. It is always nice to combine two or three technical indicators when trying to find stocks to watch. However, try to keep the number of technical indicators under four, otherwise very few stocks will meet the your criteria.

Other Trading Tools

Another useful tool to scan for stocks is MarketClub’s Smart Scan. Smart scan screens the stock market by a technology called Trade Triangle. The system ranks each stock with a score from -100 to +100 with +100 being very bullish and -100 being very bearish. With the smart scan, a trader can find stocks with a score +100 easily with one search. 

You can learn more about the Smart Scanner from How to Find Profitable Stocks.

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