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Should I buy CMPX stock?
CMPX Stock AnalysisCMPX is currently in an uptrend. CMPX is up 0.00% on 02/07/25 and has gained a total of 13.64% in the past 4 days. CMPX is trading in the range of $1.40 - $3.65 in the past 30 days. Bullish Indicators Momentum Stock - stock is gaining momentum in the past few days. Bearish Indicators Neutral Indicators Overbought - RSI is indicating the stock is in the overbought territory. However, sometimes a strong stock can be in the overbought zone for a very long time. So just because of a stock is overbought, it does NOT mean it is a SELL.
Short term rating on the CMPX stock: NEUTRAL with a score of 3/5.
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